Smoking Lipton Iced Tea?

Discussion in 'General' started by TheLostSalvia, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Dude, just go get a six pack lol, wtf?

  2. the thing that's annoying me more is the comments like this :p
  3. Right? lol.
  4. #24 100mbps, Jun 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2014
    Actually now I think you might be younger because you only joined the forums today xD
  5. Go do your homework
  6. sorry it's just annoying seeing the same comments being made everytime lol
  7. #27 nevertoomuch420, Jun 30, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2014
    I sadly did this as a kid and can say any high is placebo, or at least in my opinion haha. Just take a t break, being sober isn't all that horrible
    *rubs chin*
    Yes, only if they heat it to a nice warmness.  :laughing:
  9. I use to mix organic tea from Whole Foods in my bowls when I was 16. Helped conserve bud but that was short lived lol

    This is DEFINATLY a prepubescent thought lol
  10. Yes OP, definitely give it a shot. All my joints I mix .5 of bud with 1 tsp of lipton iced tea, lemon flavor of course, and that shit gets me FUCKED up!

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