Oil Adapter For Existing Bong?

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by Credible Hulk, Jun 25, 2014.

    I'm familiar with using a carb hole on a pipe, and the similar principle on a bong (lifting the bowl at the end of the hit to clear the smoke) but not with carbing a dab. How do you carb with a nail?
    My domeless nail has a centre hole that takes in fresh air directly when I dab. I've always taken relatively small hits and been able to draw most of it without oil left behind. It does smoke a bit after I draw. I assume I'm doing it right because the hits taste like hits from my table vape. Oh yeah and I get ripped afterwards... :hippie:
    Re temperature I heat until the bowl is deep red (you can barely see the red in normal daylight). Once it's hot I spend about 10 sec loading up the dabber before taking the hit. Counting the seconds it takes to heat up is an interesting idea. Trouble is, my beast of a nail (dualiti) takes forever to heat up because it's so heavy.
  2. Wow the elitism in this thread!

    Do you go from flower to oil!?!?!?M YOURE FUCKING NASTY! YUCK! GROSS!!!!OMG!!!BURN HIM WITH FIRE!!!!!

  3. you're an idiot^
    going from flower to oil in the same piece is nasty cause its gonna make your oil taste like ass. smoke a bowl out of a piece with reclaim in it is no big deal though, dont see how wanting to enjoy your meds to the fullest is elitism :confused_2:
  4. Name calling too? Wow JImmy, you really let me down.

    Ive never seen you be an asshole to anyone on this site til now.
  5. #45 YoShytsWeak, Aug 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 9, 2014
    Hmm not sure what torch you are using?

    Also, 2 words man... CARB CAP!
    , look one up and get one asap or improvise.

    Basically you are putting a cap on the nail with a small hole so when you draw in there is a higher ratio of vapor to air thus you get a fat low temp dab.

    With out a carb cap you are drawing much more air than vapor because the oil isn't vaporizing as fast and air is being sucked in from diff directions.

    Low temping with out a carb cap is not impossible but relatively annoying and can be wasteful if the dab is to fat

    Lastly it sounds like your are still taking them too hot.

    I'd get the HE carb cap. It has aslanted whole, so the air swirls in a spiral and works better IMO.

    For improvising a cap look to glass. A miniature liquor bottle for example, the base of a Hennessy bottle can be used to carb it...

    What ever you do, don't use your fingers Lolol

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  6. So excuse my ignorance here, but are you talking about another attachment or something else I need to buy? I have my glass pipe, with a dome and a nail. I have no idea what you're talking about here, adding a carb to the whole process. i heat up the nail, put on the dome, put the dab on the nail and inhale. What am I missing here?
  7. If you're using a dome you can just carb it with your finger.

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    My torch is a Blazer GB4001.
    I'm going to the head shop to look for the HE carb cap, I needed a few things anyway. I will also look at quartz or glass nails that fit my rig, since I'm also thinking about using the dome that came with it.
    So, when dabbing at a lower temperature how do you know (before dabbing) when the nail is at the right temperature? Just by the length of time you've been heating the nail?
  9. Yeah I always heat untill before I see red then just let it cool for a few seconds before dabbing,

    You could be doing it right but it sounds like you are scorching your nail so that's why I said it. Red is bad mmmmkay

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  10. google finger carbing for oil

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