Do My Seedlings Look Healthy???

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Strongbox47, Jun 25, 2014.

  1. Long time reader, first time posting!
    These are my seedlings, 5-7 days old. This is my first grow, from bagseed, and I'm not particularly skilled at keeping plants alive.
    One is exhibiting a bit of stretching.  I moved the lights a bit closer to hopefully counteract that. The spindly one and the one on the right have a bit of yellowing on the cotyledons, likely due to a tiny amount of nutes I gave them.  Not a smart choice at this stage I know, but I was too impatient.  I learned my lesson.  
    The left one seems to be fine but is showing a small bit of yellowing on the very edges and tips of the first set of leaves. Like I said, this is my first grow and I was surprised how varying the response from my seeds has been, given that the conditions have been the same for all of them.
    Seeds: bagseed, not particularly good stuff, but what can you do?
    Light: 1x65w 6500k CFL,  1x65w 2700K CFL, 2x27w 6500K CFL
    The lights are about 2-3 inches from plants.
    Medium: As gardening supplies are not very easy to come by where I live, I chose something labeled as "organic medium"  I think drainage for this could be better, so I plan on investing on some Perlite and coco to mix in when I transplant.
    Ventilation: Oscillating fan 
    PH: ????
    Temperature: About 75-85F depending on time of day
    Humidity: About 83%
    1. All three
    2. All three(in this on you can see how much taller the middle one is)
    3. Plant 1(slightly yellow on tips)
    4. Plant 2(spindly, yellowing cotyledons)
    5. Plant 3(yellowing/burnt cotyledons)
    Honestly, I think these 3 plants are doing ok.  I just want some reassurance that they are progressing well and that I'm not a horrible "parent"


    Attached Files:

  2. Good job sprouting those seeds! They all look relatively healthily to me, only thing I would do when you start seeing roots in the cup you may want to wrap duct tape around the cups so that the roots do not receive any sun. Roots don't wanna see mister Sun!!
  3. +1 Good Luck..
  4. #4 Strongbox47, Jun 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2014
    Hey PBG, good observation.  I'll get right on that!

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