Thinking About Getting A Cat Or Dog. Cant Make Up My Mind.

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Scars, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. If you want something more low maintenance get a cat. They can mostly take care of themselves, especially if its an outdoor cat.

    If you want something that smells and doesn't shut up, get a dog.
  2. You are God in a dog's eyes. You are a servant in a cat's eyes.
  3. That is actually spot on, I never thought about it like that before.
  4. So true.  ^^
    Since it sounds like OP lives somewhat of an active lifestyle I would say get a dog.  Cat's are for lazy, old or disabled people.  Make sure you get a dog suited to your living situation.  ex. Don't get a herding dog if you live in a 600sq ft apartment.
  5. A dog will be your friend, a cat will be your pet.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. Dogs are so much better imo. I have 2 of both right now and one of the dogs is "mine." He follows me everywhere and does whatever I say and knows a shit ton of commands. My favorite is "get the kitty." He's a border collie so he goes and herds the fuck outta my cats.
    If you're not home much though you can't really get a puppy. Idk how I'll do it when I work 12 hour shifts. Gonna need a wife to stay at home and watch my dog haha.
  7. Cats are chill and trip me out.. but dogs are awesome and show so much love and you get attached to them so easily... i have both a cat and dog and I love em.

    So close minded.
  8. I've eaten dog before. I see that as a better use of them.
  9. I love my dog but I do really miss my cat, dogs need a lot of attention where cats will do their own thing, but they also can be affectionate. You give a cat food water and a litter box and there good to go. If you have a busy schedule I think a cat would be your best bet.

    Live and let live
  10. #30 Toastin', Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2014
    If your lazy/busy all the time, get a cat 
    If your active/have time, get a dog
    Have had experience with both
    Some cats can be pretty loyal so I wouldnt say this is 100% true
    Servant to the pussy, I will never be
  11. I love my cat because it's just like me. 100% lazy

  12. I have 6 dogs and 8 cats .
    A cat is as good pet for the person who does not have their shit together. It can fend for itself if it has to.
    A dog owner should own a home with a fenced yard where it has a stable life. They need love and attention.
  13. listen to this guy
    also, think of it this way. A cat is a very good pet, don't get me wrong, but with a dog, you're putting more into the investment and also getting more out of it.
  14. Get a dog because cats are pretentious ass holes plus when's the last time a burglar said oh shit they have an attack cat?
    My geese are getting to be assholes and are just 2 months old. They are almost full size.
    Just like in this CNN video. LOL I love my geese. :D

  16. :laughing: :laughing:  A goose is still better than a cat.
  17. Get a catdog
  18. A couple of my cats are like little puppies they follow me around everywhere..when seperated by a door they get anxious and start crying for me to open the door
  19. You are a poor excuse for a human being. Goodbye.
  20. By size ratio Cats are actually much more dangerous than dogs, as they are much more agile, and have more shoulder mobility (so their claws can actually be useful). Problem is most house cats don't get big.

    But some do.


    That right there is a Savannah, half domestic cat, half Serval, they are basically the dogs of the cat world, because of their size, and are actually considered more loyal than your average dog. It weighs around 35lbs, which makes it more dangerous than (adding in what I mentioned about cats) a 50lb dog. So dont count out attack cats :p

    as for OP, get a cat, because cats are awesome, and (the vast majority, but youtube has proved atleast one does) they dont bark. /catperson

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