Thinking About Getting A Cat Or Dog. Cant Make Up My Mind.

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Scars, Jun 17, 2014.

  1. Yeah, I can't make up my mind. I want a cat because they usually don't need as much attention. They are majestic and classy. They are clean and self sufficient and can deal with being alone from time to time. They are also very playful and affectionate. I like that.
    But I kind of want a dog so I can go hiking and shit with it. I grow guerrilla and could use some company on my treks. Can't go hiking with cats...I don't think. They are really playful and loyal too. Good protector/guard dog. But can be a handful from time to time with the barking and destroying things. I just don't know if I can give it enough attention since I have a very busy life.
    I dunno but I'm leaning towards a cat.. What do you guys think? Gonna go visit some shelters this weekend.

  2. man I know exactly how you feel I had to choose between the 2 also but I said fuck it and got both, I got a baby husky and my baby kitten at the same time and they grew up with each other so they never really went at it actually they play with eachother a lot, but I would say if you had to choose I would go for a cat just because there so much more chill. specially if you have like a cat that grows up with you. They like to play when you want too and all the other times they just chill next to you and watch. its cool.  :smoke:  :smoking:
  3. Cats are very independent creatures. If you want company, get a dog. I like dogs because they like seeing and interacting with people. My ct is pretty chill but he does his own thing 90% of the time and I see him when he's hungry
  4. Go the dog. Friend for life right there. I can't wait to get a place that allows dogs.
  5. #5 AlphaOmega420, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2014
    I recommend getting a dog, they are very friendly and kind especially formerly abused canines that you will find at a shelter. cats are awesome and I own 2 but if I had could only own one pet it would be a dog :)
    all the different kind of dog species are varied and sometimes were bred for certain tasks like have a rough collie which are hardcore herders and hes always trying to protect the cats and herd them into corners lol
  6. #6 vengeance23, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2014
    If u r renting just get a cat for now, if I had a house I would get a dog. Dogs can be a pain to deal with sometimes and cats are independent, u give them food, water, and a little box and you r good.

    I like dogs more but I won't get one until I am older and can give them full attention and fulfill their needs. You have to be more responsible with a dog, don't neglect them and understand a breeds need, too many people neglect their dogs and it fucking sickens me.
  7. Dogs are quite expensive the first year, lots of vet visits, puppies eat twice as much food, plus training is frustrating. That being said, owning a dog is the best fuckin thing ever. They really are mans best friend, and no lie if you bring a puppy ANYWHERE, chicks will flock to it. So that's a bonus
    But my honest opinion, if it's even a question of which animal to get I would wait and not get one for awhile. If you're going to be buying a pet you should be fully prepared, do a lot of research on dog breeds and maybe cat breeds (not sure if different types of cat have different behaviors)

    Sent from my iPhone
  8. My cat is more loving than any dog ive ever had, and she's pretty low maintenance too. Dogs can be quite a handful
  9. I honestly prefer cats because of the reasons stated above but dogs are great for a life long companion & safety but if you can't decide then just go to the shelter & you'll know when you see the animals
  10. I would go with a dog.
  11. If you are guerrilla definitely dog! gives you cover, companionship and you never know may one day save your life. plus no one fucks with an attack dog ;)  
    I've got an Australian cattle dog and hes kick ass! best breed of dog imho
  12. A cat

    Or both. Get a kitten and a puppy they will grow up together and be best friends
  13. Yea I used to walk my dog and smoke my nightly sweet when I was younger. Cops all over my neighborhood fucking with anyone. But they never fucked with me. Just had to establish I was that guy who walked a beagle at night
  14. #14 Scars, Jun 17, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 17, 2014
    Well, here is the thing.
    I had a Labrador retriever growing up. My good boy Max. He died when he was 14 due to cancer. He was my dearest friend. I loved the damn thing to death.
    I also had a cat a few years ago but she was a whore. She got fucked by every tom cat in the street and ended up getting pregnant. I took good care of her too until my niece fell in love with her and I let her adopt her.
    I also have an African Grey Timneh Parrot. Name is Einstein. I love all living creatures and am loving and compassionate towards them. I try to provide a good home for all forms of life.
    The problem is that I don't have a lot of time on my hands these days. I want a pet since I am somewhat lonely these days.
    I love dogs, but I also love cats. I just don't know if I have the time to train a dog to be civil/obedient. I think I'll have a easier time with a cat. But I also have a feeling that the right puppy will just make me melt to pieces.
    I guess I'll wait till I go to the shelters around town. 
    How about I post pictures of what I find and people can then vote?
    Want to get a puppy or kitten, but I am open to older animals from an abused past. If I can give them a better life then it is totally worth it.
  15. get some glofish instead imo (although i kinda despise pets in general)
  16. Also, I can't get both. It's too expensive for me. 
  17. Lol, a fish? WTF am I gonna do with a fish? Watch it swim?
    No, I'm just being a stupid. Fish are cool, just not my cup of tea. I had 2 male beta fish in a tank once and I saw them kill the F out of each other. No more fish for me after that.
  18. these arent any ordinary fish sir! theyre a living piece of bioluminescence artwork! you can get stoned and watch for hours.

    so you know, waaaaay cooler than a fish ;)
  19. get a cat, a dog is a bigger responsibility.
  20. Dogs are with you, even after you die. Cats will try to eat your body.


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