Can I Pass A Drug Test If I Havent Smoked Weed In 45 Days

Discussion in 'General' started by Krisprieto93, May 27, 2014.

  1. I've been clean from pot for 45 days and prior to that was 2 weeks and then before that was 21 days and prior to that was 2 week I'm 6'0 tall 195 pounds kind of chubby or not fat . And also I took 1 t 3 a week ago can I pass ???? Help please
  2. 90% chance you'll be fine.
  3. I'd say you are probably fine. sounds like you smoked somewhat infrequently which means you'll piss it out faster, but being a little chubby would offset that benefit more or less. but 45 days is probably enough. 
  4. Yes. You can also fail.
  5. Damn 45 days? sucks to suck.

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