My Kids Will Be School Free.

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by ItsReneeYo_, May 15, 2014.

  1. #1 ItsReneeYo_, May 15, 2014
    Last edited: May 15, 2014
    so i saw a post on a page i like humans of new york , it was a picture of a girl and the caption read 
    "I had really hippie, alternative parents. They pulled me out of middle school because they didn't think it was fulfilling me creatively, and we drove across country in an RV."
    i really like that , if im fortunate enough i would do the exact same thing. i would want to travel with my kids , enjoy life with them , show them the world and educate them along the way. 
    i fucking hated public school getting information shoved down my throat 5 days a week for 8 hours a day for like 14 years of my life and takes the fun out of exploring and learning... it was all about tests , high scores on tests means more money for the school , so thats all they cared about. 
    i remember getting packet after packet of how to take a test , how to prepare for a test , whats on the test. etc etc. i was never a good test taker , i would fucking flunk all of them , and its not that i was stupid .. i just couldn't do it. they tried to diagnose me with "inattentiveness" and had me on pills that just , made me really unhappy.
    my kids arent going through that. people tend to think the best way to go through life is the way thats already paved out for them, i dont believe that , i think you have to find happiness and success on your own terms through experience. 
    what have i experienced? sitting in a desk for 12+ years failing tests , taking pills , waking up at 7 am to go somewhere i just never wanted to be. teaching us how to be a perfect little worker bee instead of an independent business owner. 
    i wont let my kids go through that , and its only getting worse. 
    what do you think?

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  2. I think this is a terrible idea. Why would you deny your child an education? 

    You're something else.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. ummm.
    okay :bongin:
  4. Seems stupid to me..learning to deal with responsibilities is a big part of going to school.
  5. im not denying my child an education , there's people out there who home school their kids dontcha' know. 
    there's this whole stigma about alternative forms of learning that's just ridiculous.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. #7 psychoperson25, May 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 15, 2014
    I like the idea, but kids need an education generally to go far in life...unless you're a Bill Gates or something...
  7. Do you know any home school kids? I doubt it cause you would know its a bad idea socially.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. learning to deal with "responsibilities" can be done at home. 
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. this was not inferred in your original post. i believe most were under the impression that your kids would have no from of education. that would be a bad idea.
    this too. you wouldn't want to rob your child of the social interaction that comes from a public school setting, let alone the life lessons that are learned within.
  10. You know, I don't agree with lots of things about the way the education system works, but there's valuable stuff to be learned in school, and not just in the classroom. School is also where you learn all your social skills, how to deal with people you don't necessarily like or want to be around, plus it's your exposure to tons of people you DO want to be around.
    Plus all the doors it opens for you career wise.
  11. pretty sure there was a South Park episode that described in detail the differences between home schooled and Publick skoold.
  12. Ive considered homeschooling any kids I may have.

    But while they wont be getting the bullshit shoved down their throat, they will be missing one crucial thing.

    The social aspect. They wont meet kids their age, they wont make friends, theyll never learn how to function in the very social world we live in.

    Because of that, I am torn on the subject, I dont want my kids fed regurgitated lies, but I also dont want them to be unable to function around other people (obviously thats not always the case, plenty of homeschooled kids are just fine in that aspect, its just more likely).

    Then private school costs money I may not have, and even if I can afford it, I dont want them coming out feeling like their better than kids who couldnt.
  13. I dont blame you for not sending your kids to be packed in like cattle with all the other brain dead shithead brats.
    They will need to learn to deal with the dumb kids sooner or later.
  14. C.s. Lewis
    Frank Lloyd wright
    Margaret Atwood
    Thomas Alva Edison
    Julian Asante

    Etc etc.

    All home schooled.
    Hell yeah, pay no mind to the propogated shills. School is a sham that takes children away from their families and fill their heads with junk.
    God forbid you went outside and signed your child up for a sports team or something they enjoy?
  17. I think the whole "oh no your kids will be socially awkward if they don't interact with other kids" shit , is bullshit. I was socially awkward and stand off-ish either way.

    There's plenty of kids who have been homeschooled who later join colleges like MIT and have no problem. I'm not gonna have my kids in a fucking cave with no contact to the outside world. Lol
  18. THANK YOU.

    People act like without school their kids would be weird tiny troll people that hide in the shadows when other little kids come around. Lol
  19. What if the kid takes after me and is an introvert who hates sports and the schools dont offer anything extracurricular that interests them?

    Not only is that besides the point, its irrelevant do the discussion at hand.

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