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The New House And And The Plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by ccsavage, May 11, 2014.

  1. This one is 24x30 and i decided to put the cover on permanent because its a bitch to do and our weather is unpredictable.  six of the bitches get a spot. LSD, purple maroc, a strain thats someones lastname, pineapple express and another local strain.  LSD  finished mid september, the local strains finish on time.  havnt grown the maroc or easy sativa so will see.  The house cost me about $500 the rest was shit i had lying around.


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  2. Awesome man looks good.
  3. Thanks man.  I'm chomping at the bit to get the plants in there.
  4. check my outdoor journal got my greenhouse going too she is full doing light deep then got my twenty four hundred gallon smart pots rockin for full term this year
  5. I have been watching your grow. You and some others on here give me the fuel to work harder and learn more.  Last year I believe you pulled more weight off of one plant than I did off of twelve.  Lol I'm humble.  I'm doing six this year twelve was to much for my experience level.  I was overwhelmed and everything suffered.  I'm hoping for the best this year.  It's a blast!
  6. practice makes perfect man. been at it for 13 years. experience helps a lot in the green thumbing
  7. Sweet greenhouse. I made a small 7 by 12 for garden plants but I know better than to grow all summer in one, it would be 140F in it.
    Our winds are super bad at times so Im a bit spooked of building too big.
    How will you keep it cool?
  8. That's it for sure.  I was raised in a smoke filled room and helped my old man outlaw it for years digging holes and such. Nothing like you guys or even I get to do now though.  I got some basics there but growing great plant will take time. Trials and errors..
  9. My pops grew in the 80s in closets and secret rooms I did have some inspiration at a young age, lol like father like son.
  10. The north wind I get would kill plants so I'm taking advantage of it.  The gable ends are wide open and the big Windows on the end are bug screen from growers supply. It's good and breezy in there. On the few day we don't have ass kicking wind I will need to run some fans.  I hope it works.  If it's still to hot I will replace more side panels with screen.
  11. Haha there been times in my life I thought that maybe all the second hand smoke as a child had fucked up my my old man would roll like twenty in the morning and be rolling roaches by night.  Always had a joint in his mouth.  High energy hard working man.  RiP..miss that man
  12. nice  looking greenhouse I think your gonna do great this year
  13. Thanks lager.  I've been putting my time in this year.  Learned many hard lessons last year.
  14. Heres a group shot.  nights are warming up and the are starting to grow.  going to work on cages for them this weekend...I didnt have anything in place last year and learned the hard way.  just tilled in a couple cups of castings and watered. IMG_0544.JPG IMG_0545.JPG IMG_0547.JPG
  15. Wow those are going to be monsters. nice set up.
    Grows like that make me feel very sorry for the guys with compact Florescent lights in a closet.
  16. Thanks Dog.  Man I hope so i have busted my dick on this house.  lastyear my grow ended abruptly with a september storm..i didnt even get my last plant out before it imploded..twisted pvc, sheet metal and plastic..  Im hoping to not make as many rookie mistakes and fill this one up.
  17. #17 RichardDean, May 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2014
    awesome bro and best to have space way less problems when your girls aren't all smashed together. Pfftt and to think some people had the audacity to insult you and say you didn't know how to grow. Some people smh hahaha. Ahem blackbud.....
    A few years ago I had one of the greenhouses that's basically a tent. I had big spikes in the ground, tied down like a sailboat in a hurricane and it ended up flying around the yard and going to peices in a bad windstorm. May as well been a kite. LOL
    Now I have one made of lumber and its not going anywhere, the worst that can happen is replacing any torn poly.
  19. Hey thanks for the positive input guys..I just got home and it looks like they are digging those worm castings.  I added bat guano, old dairy cow shit that had a hundred worms in each shovel full,  kelp meal, pearlite and more worm castings to the boxes and covered for a month before planting.  The bagged soil that makes up most of it was full of good stuff as well.  You guys think that guano will be broke down enough for the plant to use?  
  20. four weeks minimum cycling time before plant is usual rule of thumb but with your little helpers in there should be quicker.

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