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Smoking Alone

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by AxeTheDax, May 9, 2014.

  1. #1 AxeTheDax, May 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2014
    I have been smoking for roughly a year and a half now and recently started smoking alone (about a month ago) and I LOVE IT! As opposed to smoking with friends, I love the fact that you can do anything YOU want to do. Very few of my friends do this too and the ones who only smoke with others think it's very "junkie-like" so I just want to hear your opinion on this topic. :smoke:
    Also, what do you usually do when smoking alone? I mostly do it before going to bed. I roll a joint, smoke on it until I start gagging (LOL) and just listen to music, play a video game or two and finish my evening by falling asleep to a movie (I rarely finish movies when I'm high).

  2. I smoke alone probably more often then I smoke with others. Usually end up getting in league of legends and grinding some ranked.

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  3. i prefer to smoke alone. every time i smoke with friends i end up burning through a weeks worth of weed (if i was smoking alone). but it sucks to not have those really funny moments where you say or do something with your friends and then everyone laughs their ass off and it just becomes a great story.. but that doesnt always happen either. 
    i really like watching tv shows (generally not dramas unless theyre really high quality, more things like its always sunny in philadelphia or american dad) when i smoke alone. and i really REALLY love listening to music when im stoned. all of my music is about drugs pretty much too. i mostly listen to rap because i love the flows and the lyrics, and the beat is so much more intense. i just cant listen to things that dont make my speakers vibrate.. base base base. love it. hate dubstep. also i like smoking alone because i can dose it how i want to and i can smoke out of what i want to, where i want to, when i want to. i usually smoke one hit at a time. i generally cant feel any more hits after the initial come-up anyways until an hour or 2 later. i never felt like a junky or like a loser for smoking alone and even the first time i smoked was alone. i have blazed plenty of weed with friends though and at any moment i could hit someone up and be like hey wana smoke some bowls and be toking with people in minutes. just dont see the point. honestly i dont see the importance in social interaction that isnt a means to an end. i dont have social anxiety or anything against being with people, i just feel weird just 'hanging out' with people. unless we are going to a party or something like that. or theyre a girl that i can also do stuff with. but dont get me wrong, if someone cool wanted to kick it i would, im just sayin.
  4. #4 massitha, May 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 9, 2014
    i smoke alone more than i smoke with others, just bc i dont really know /that many/ people. one of my smoking buddies is pregnant so she aint smoking and the other doesnt always feel like getting out (and i aint supplying the weed AND driving.) which is another reason why i dont really like smoking with others, is bc i always supply the weed. no one ever goes half with me or like anything... and ive been smoking the least amount of time out of everyone like damn it sucks, lol.
    but i dont really mind cause i like smoking by myself tbh, its nice to just get high and chill and be in my own head (but in a healthy way like im not worrying or being anxious about my thoughts.) then i can browse around here and just chat with you guys and listen to music, its a different vibe than when ur smoking with friends for sure, but i dont think its any less enjoyable.
  5. I typically smoke by myself unless my wife joins me (typically on the weekends).

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  6. I try to do this as well, but I am so stupid slow and bad while high. :(
  7. Hell yeah, I love smoking alone but if I worked more sociable hours at work I would smoke with other people more often.
    Light up a joint, open the laptop, make some coffee and work away
  8. I had to just stop sharing when people wouldn't go half. If I have a half oz or an oz I will share but not when we are picking up 50 bags and you won't put your 25 in but still try and smoke half of it.
  9. It's interesting to see that alot of blades blaze solo. I find its a waste of a high, plus i tend to get a better high when im with stoned people. Sharing the stoned vibe, its a wavelength thing man  :smoking:
  10. hell yeah  i love my buddies but smoking alone is far better. i'm kind of a space cadet so i can watch all the trippy weird philosophical religious shit that i want. or some deranged messed up mind-fuck movies  
  11. I haven't smoked with others for years. Seriously. I don't feel like a junkie, though. Although I'm sure that most junkies would say the same thing.
    I just work strange hours and I don't know many people and the ones I do know that smoke, have schedules that don't mesh. I just turn on some TV or fire up a movie or whatever, and lay back and relax.
  12. I prefer it because people talk shit when high and I like to listen/watch debates on politics, religion, society etc when I'm high.
    So I think I'm intelligent when I'm high, but when I open my mouth, I'm talking as much shit as everyone else.
  13. Oh man~. I love smoking alone!  It's so awesome.  You can listen & jam out to music.  &&for that guy up there, I hate dubstep too.  Haha.  I like rap too, but more into indie.  I don't know anyone that follows my eclectic strange tastes... obsessed with disco, for one.  And when I'm alone I get to choose the music!
  14. I remember when I was in hs..... Seasoned

    Trim Nazi
  15. Do you like being alone normally? Why would it be any different with Cannabis?
    I think of it as Set/setting.
    There's the space/tripping high sessions you have to take tbreaks to achieve. This is solely devoted to being high and meditating (usually with sensory dep) in nature or a dark room...or watching a thought provoking movie.
    There's the solo stone...just chillin around the house...gardening, tv, cooking, video games, music sessions, etc.
    The "social interaction" high. Pretty much anytime you go about your daily routine and run into people. Work, school, shopping. Or just hanging out with friends...hiking, swimming, camping, etc.
    Then the "social sesh" which is where I just sit around and smoke with friends. This is focused mainly on smoking and not on just being high like the previous 3 are. Usually smoke 2-10x what I normally do. Do activities that are limited to inside normally.
    My smoking alone "Mode" can be shared...indeed I enjoy company but I have set activities in mind and if you don't wish to participate I'm not going to compromise most likely.
  16. #16 tranceholic, May 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 10, 2014
    that "junkie-like" name calling usually comes from people who must have a friend with them doing whatever. i find smoking weed alone is way more relaxing but it's nice to have company to blaze and talk about stupid shit.
  17. that's me too... I enjoy smoking with others, but after 20 yrs of smoking I find it relaxing to do alone, plus, it helps me get stuff done around the house when I am alone... Maybe when my daughters are older I will have smoking buddies in them!! (They are only 2 & 9 so that's a while down the road!!)
  18. if i had reliable people to smoke with i would. i just cant, so smoking solo is easier and i've just kinda learned to love it, and enjoy it more now idk im high
  19. When you have no friends it ain't much of a choice lol. I do my everyday life shit. And when i had friends and we smoked all they would want to do is shit that kills my high and try to turn on some shitty dubstep/techno music. Plus more for me.
  20. smoking alone saves bud and enjoy every second of it.. 

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