Has Anyone Used Weed As A Spiritual Tool?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by mossybong, May 6, 2014.

  1. millions have

  2. using hallucinogens for getting close to god is nothing new, weed definitely does this but no where near on the level MDMA or Acid or Salvia can.
  3. Said it before, but speaking from a witch/pagan's perspective smoking some not getting f***ed up but just a modest amount is very useful helps to "clear" all the external crap lets me focus my mind. It doesn't disrupt my practices at all. Have done my rituals all of that cast circles which all requires a level of focus and smoking has never interfered with that at all as I've said I believe it actually makes it better for me. Just a personal experience.

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  4. Weed helped me see reality in a "step back" sort of way which helped my nondual awakening that happened during meditation.  Weed allows the brain to look at reality by way of different angles that you can't see with a sober/rambling mind.  The draw back to this is that the weed also shuts down certain pathways in the brain that helps you get "there" in meditation (it varies), so as with anything, there are positives and negatives.  
    Weed gets you to a certain point, but there's a point in the spiritual journey that you will need to stop completely if you want to live in "it" full time.  This is coming from experience.  Again, it all depends on how deep you want to go in your spiritual journey.  ....if your on one.  If your just meditating to fall asleep or relax, then yes, weed works like a charm. :)
  5. Yes and still do :)
  6. http://youtu.be/bZ1jbygrDg8
  7. Bump
  8. I doubt it's really strong enough for any real "spiritual purposes".  Weed doesn't do more than give me a buzz.  Are you sure you're not schizophrenic?
  9. Weed is a massive part of the Rasta faith that believes the herb is not a drug but a spiritual tool..so , yes...many people have indeed used weed as a spiritual tool. 

    Successfully? That is more of an interesting and subjective question I guess. 
  10. Too much of anything can hurt you.
    Weed is, and can be, a tool, but, in the end, it is not, and should never be, the key.
  11. Of course mon.  I get high every day and meditate.
  12. Having experience in psych's. I've heard stories of cannabis that were completely ourtrageous from what people usually have. Like i heard one they went into a dream state and saw the gates of heaven. Cannabis is a psychedelic, it depends on the person. I get psychedelic effects everytime i smoke cannabis even though tolerance still applies, it usually isn't intense in comparison. I used it as an aid in medatation, if i focused myself enough i could probably reach a state similar to a powerful ethogenic experience. I've done it before.
  13. I had a similar experience like that and have heard others talk about it. I have read up on others having that kind of experience. You come to the realization, and are incredibly greatful for the simple fact that you are a human being on planet Earth and you got the chance to experience all this.
  14. almost every time.
    My recreational use is actually medicinal and ritualistic, it practically counts as religion.
    I don't smoke "for fun," i smoke for pain/stress relief, respiratory soothing, and the resulting quality of life enhancement. Plus i just love how it smells and how the high feels.
  15. i meditate and contemplate after partaking of the herb. for me it works. i hope others find something, anything that works for them. there is nothing wrong with being happy and positive so if you are lucky enough to find something to help you with that then you sir get five FUCK YEAHS!!  :metal:
  16. The ancient European tribes and Scythians (which is what Slavic, Hungarian and Turkic culture comes from) used to smoke Cannabis. In fact a name for a Scythian and Thracian shaman was "kapnobatai" which means "those who walk on/in smoke/clouds" and the word also is related to the word Cannabis (which is an ancient European word from Scythia btw) and their use spread to the rest of Europe, to the Greeks and Celts and Germanic tribes.
  17. Weed used to be absolutely spiritual for me. Basically every time I smoked it I was going to be thrown into an incredible spiritual state. For a while now, it hasn't been all that spiritual. Sometimes if I think about or read about something spiritual, it may make me feel a nice feeling about it, or like I understand it a bit deeper than I normally would, but not much more than that. This has all been as I have been smoking much more than I ever have before though, daily. I'm considering cutting my smoking down. Perhaps going with what Terence McKenna recommended, smoking once a week but letting myself smoke a lot when I do. Or even if I did it a bit more than once a week, like once every 3-7 days just depending. I think if I did that, it would make it a more special and spiritual experience when I did do it. If I actually did this, I think it would also help me to take up a regular meditation practice as well, to sort of compensate for my lack of being high, lol. And if I did that, I think it would definitely help my smoking experiences to be more spiritual as well.
    That was my main objection to using weed for spiritual purposes.  Unfortunately, some don't know the difference between meditating and getting high.  Of course, we can all sit down and say we're going to smoke this shit, and then ponder over the finer things in life, but that is not meditation.  Rastas might smoke weed as part of their religion and I'm not ever saying they're wrong, I'm just saying I don't think so.  It makes no more sense to me than getting drunk for spiritual purposes.
  19. I haven't commented in a while so, I thought i would update. Lately, I feel I have been smoking in a way that doesn't feel right. I get get high for the sake of getting high. So, I am taking a break for a while to rediscover what makes me happy in life. Oddly enough, I got this idea last night while high. I guess I had a moment of clarity in all the fog. It just feels like I need a couple of weeks or a month to just get my ducks in a row and not fall on weed as a crutch. It feels kind of shitty to have lost sight of things so fast but I see what I must do. I'll still be kicking around the forums just not while high for some time. lol

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