Whats Got You Down?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Cawdswallup, Apr 26, 2014.

  1. Finding someone I want to return to.

  2. I'm feeling down about my job, I work 10/12 hour days and only make 90 bucks. Bullshit

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  3. #23 smokethesmoke, Apr 28, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 28, 2014
    I'm feeling down about shit I shouldn't be down over...
  4. Between Uni and work, got no time to just chill the fuck out. Working 12-13 hour shifts for shit pay. Just sparked my first of today and it's 1am, up in 5 hours. Sick of this shit.
    Still high as fuck watching South Park now though, better than nothing I guess

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  5. The fbi is after me..
  6. Some girl that I had feelings for and shut me out is trying to get back with me and I want to go back but I know it's the wrong move. And I'm on day 10 of not smoking weed
  7. #27 travilanche, May 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2014
    Last weeks Parks & Rec. Was the most perfect season finale ever. But I am extremely depressed that it is over and won't be on tomorrow night. God damn first world problems!
  8. I'm sick of of. 90% of people on this planet. Their so damn ignorant and absorbed in "pop culture" or whatever. No one even attempts to understand what means to exist. Just consume. Eat eat eat more food. Fatness. Everyone is a consumer. It's disgusting.

    People's mouths. People think they can say whatever they want and get away with it. One day they'll say dumb shit to the wrong person and get a fist or a bullet in their face.

    Driving. Everyone acts like driving is this little activity that everyone is meant to do. Wrong. 99% of people on the road shouldn't be. No one understands what it means to control a car. Every little shit has a new ford escape to go to point a to point b without realizing that if they make one mistake they could kill people.

    The police. Who the fuck are these volunteering assholes that are allowed to put a gun in my face at their discretion? Fuck them and their endless search for power. I hope one day they are all burned alive.

    All of pop culture just pisses me off. CONSUME FAT FOOD. TWEET WHAT YOU THINK AS IF PEOPLE GIVE A FUCK. LISTEN TO "MUSIC". Drink copius amounts of alcohol (poisonous fuel that we are tricked into believing is a harmless drug)

    One day far in the future some race of life will look back and say "and they would drink alcohol, a type of fuel derivative that causes brain damage"

    Alcohol isn't like any other drug. Most drugs are active in the milligram to nano gram range, alcohol is one of the only drugs that you have to drink ounces of to get "drunk " ( stupid ass word when you think about it)

    It's like drinking gasoline IMO

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  9. life right now man
  10. Hmmm where to begin...
    kicked out of the Air Force
    kicked out of school
    friends left me
    girl left me
    lost my job
    14 pennies left in my ashtray
    no weed
    I used to be the strongest guy in the world...but here I am just getting off the phone from a suicide hotline...
    what life is this
  11. Damn dude..

    You can hit me up if you ever want to talk.
  12. thanks man...trying to keep it together
  13. #33 Chris0817, May 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 7, 2014
    Having a hard time learning how to be social
    Have a crooked tooth and feel embarrassed when I smile (life is shitty when you have to avoid trying to smile b/c you feel insecure)
    Trying hard to fix my muscle imbalances and not seeing much progress
    Walking kinda funny due to muscle imbalances
    Feeling afraid of people who might be able to beat me up
    Training mma but making slow progress due to said muscle imbalances haha (working on it daily though)
    I think that's it for now, but thank you for asking.
  14. Social problems. Sometimes I stutter when I talk but I don't do it that much. I'll just start stuttering a little bit in the beginning of my sentences mainly because I wont form the sentences very well in my head. Just a little annoying and screws my confidence sometimes
  15. #35 MunchiesMan78, May 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2014
    Not having enough friends either. I have friends just not that many and it makes me feel shitty sometimes. But my current friends are amazing and have been friends with most of them for years. Maybe that's a good thing. You know what they say, "I'd rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies".

    Its also hard to start a conversation sometimes. Its hard to find stuff to talk about. Not only that, but in order for me to carry on a conversation, I need my friends to contribute and sometimes they dont and the conversation turns into a dead end. Just a little frustrating. I love carrying on conversations just have a hard time lol
  16. being alone since highschool.....money comes and goes, friends come and go, worst feeling is sitting by yourself at the end of the night in the corner of your room staring at nothing... :l
  17. Stare at your soul.

    Find out more about yourself.

    Then go meet new friends.
  18. ive done a lot of that haha, with the help of some unmentionables as well lol, actually just moved to a new state in order to try a new life, still in the eating ramen everyday with pp&js until i get the checks to start rolling threw, but it still feels the same for some reason
  19. plus where are all the cool people at that just like to talk and do nothing but enjoy sunshine and not have to buy dumb pricey clothes and what not to make them seem important
  20. It probably feels like that because you have no end goal in sight.

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