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Trying To Help My Dad With Mmj.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by poz70, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Hey everyone,  My dad is in his 50's and has always struggled with depression and anxiety and over the past few years it really seems to be taking a toll on him and he is having really bad pain in his legs and his sleeping pattern has gotten horrible.  He probably gets about 6 hours of sleep everyday but its on and off at night and an hour or two of that is in the middle of the day from being so tired from not sleeping at night.  I can just tell the past couple weeks he has been miserable and stressed out and just seems plain depressed about everything.  He is on several prescription drugs (Ritalin, Prozac, pain killers, etc.).  I have been suggesting that he try MMJ to fight the depression, anxiety, stress, and lack of sleep.  So I had a couple questions:
    I found a great post on what strains are good for different conditions.  But, I was wondering if he were to use a strain for say pain and a strain for sleep could they possibly offset each other and keep each other from working its best?
    How should he go about it?  Should he try one strain first just to help his anxiety?  Also, I know he wouldn't want to be stoned all day, if he were to just smoke in the evening and nighttime would he still reap the benefits the next morning?  From my experience when I smoke just a few times a week I feel better even when sober.
    And lastly how does the MMJ process work after a doctor gives u the written permission and you are all set to start smoking?  Does the doctor have to order it for you at the beginning?  Does he help pick the strain best for your condition?  Any info or advice is appreciated.  Thanks.

  2. you have to experiment with different strains of cannabis to find what works. sounds like a blend/hybrid of indica sativa will benefit the most, will help with the depression and help sleep at night. or use a sativa in the daytime and an indica at night before bed. a strong indica will aid sleep. once someone is sleeping some of the other problems magically disappear.
  3. In most (maybe all) medical states, the doctor provides a recommendation which works like a permission slip allowing the patient to shop at dispensaries. The recommendation doesn't specify any particular strain, amount or delivery method (smoking, vaping, taking edibles or concentrates, etc.).
  4. Oop, you're talking about prescription drugs. That KGB...I mean, moderators, aren't gonna like that

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