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Is It Normal To Be High But Not Get The munchies At All?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by KingRussellR, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. I've smoked twice, and I think I got high, but I never got the munchies..... not even a bit... I heard that the most common symptom of being high is getting the munchies... so is it normal that I didn't get the munchies feeling? I think I got high the second time, because my throat burned like never  and my mouth was very dry.

  2. #2 AlphaOmega420, Apr 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 23, 2014
    Depeds on the strain, your tolerance level, and how much food is in ur stomach right now
    i feel like munchies has always just been that hunger feeling amplified, when im stuffed and toke I never really get it
    theres a difference between food tasting better and actually WANTING to eat
  3. The first like 10 times I smoked I "thought" I was high but I'm sure it was more like an atmosphere high. Because it's like what you are describing I really didn't get any of these usual high symptoms but I felt good. Then I hit a bong the correct way for the first time. Let's just say, you won't " think " you're high and unless munchies don't affect you you'll probably get them nice on your first good high

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  4. I don't at all.  My wife on the other hand will empty the house.
  5. You didt get high unless your sure. Trust me, your first time you'll know.
  6. Lol, I don't think you got high. Your first time high is one of the craziest feelings ever. You will know when it hits you because you will feel almost out of control.
  7. if you were really anxious then you wouldn't have felt hungry.  
  8. if your new to smoking then your probably just way to stoned to realize your hungry. or shitty weed 
  9. #9 Doc-J, Apr 23, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2014
    Ive been smoking for quite a while and never really get the munchies.
  10. mmmmm munchies  :smoking:  sometimes they dont kick in until you START eating the food, then it gives you multiple  mouth orgasms and you cant stop eating !
  11. I very rarely get the munchies these days to be honest​
  12. Its hard to believe you got high at all..
    Saying "I THINK i got high" doesnt make sense to me. The 'first' time i smoked i didnt get high. I barely got a buzz..Second time...POW BAM YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
  13. I completely lose my appetite when I'm high.  When I comedown I'll chow down though.
  14. Everyone's body is different and some people will experience different things than others. I sometimes find myself smoking and not having the urge to eat for a few hours, then the next time I smoke I'll get the worst munchies ever. I've found that when Im stoned I dont actually get that hungry until I actually start eating, then from there its a slippery slippery slope. Before you know it you awake in a pile of domino's boxes and popcorn. 
  15. I think the munchies are severely exaggerated by people. Usually what happens to me is, I don't feel hungry...but I can ear a large quantity of food. The word munchies makes people think "Oh I'm going to become super hungry" I think it's dependent on the weed/the person.
  16. cannabis affects everyone differently, sometimes i get the munchies sometimes i dont, but it seems like you need to smoke a little more. i assure you, the force that is "the munchies" will happen, just a matter of time.
  17. Now that my tolerance is high, I don't get munchies anymore. This is usually why you see very heavy users that are very skinny
  18. Not for me haha. Weed tricks my brain into thinking I'm starving. EVERYTIME lol
  19. I never get the munchies while smoking, I don't have much of an appetite normally, so maybe that's why.
  20. I seldom if ever get the munchies. Of course, I usually smoke on a full stomach, that said.

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