Bong Or Bowl?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by junior_toker, Apr 23, 2014.

  1. Hey guys I was just wondering what you liked better; smoking a bong or bowl? I like both but right now I'm not sure which I should use. I like bowls because I can get more hits out of it than a bong. But I like bongs because, well, who doesn't like bongs? Just tell me your preferences when it comes to smoking and it would be greatly appreciated. P.S. I just realized I should have posted this in the toking tools section but I'm too lazy to delete this, sorry
  2. Depends on the size. If it's a bong and it's too small I won't even put water in it, just doesn't hit right. Not enough room for both water and smoke or something. I need my throat to feel something. I dunno.
    If it's like a foot-&-a-half bong or bigger, then fuck yeah, bongs.
  3. pipes are the best flavour and just overall a nice smoke imo but can be a bit ashy,  bongs seem to decrease potency a bit but make up for it with WAY bigger hits. 
    also bongs are a harsher smoke for me, they have smoother and cooler smoke but they make my lungs and throat throb and burn after exhaling from the bigger hits 
    it can be helped with more cooling ( cooler water, ice) but its still there.
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  5. Before I owned a bong, I would've said bong.
    but now, they're both equal to me. Id even say the bong is getting used less and less. I like the big hits, but a bong snap will hit 3 or 4 times out of a bowl.
  6. Bong or vape at home. Bowl if I'm on the go, or a joint or blunt. Fuck it, doesn't really matter to me as long as I'm smoking lol.
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  7. Good news guys, I smoked a nice bowl out my favorite glass pipe and now I'm eating I've cream.
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  8. [SUB]Bong[/SUB]
  9. Don't really care.. bong can give me a bigger hit, but a bowl is better IMO
  10. Well bong obviously.
  11. I honestly would rather smoke a bowl. Bongs are great on occasion, but I just can't handle those huge rips all of the time haha

    --We're off to the witch, we may never never never come home, but the magic that we'll feel will last a lifetime!--
  12. I love my bong but it hardly ever gets used anymore my incredibowl is my goto but I had a really fuckin sweet color changer bowl n sold it to my friend to downsize my collection now I miss it so bad just miss hitting a nice old spoon can't beat it sometimes
  13. Bong by far, bowls taste like shit I'd rather smoke a joint even if the bowl is glass

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  14. No joint love? Keep it classy, boys. :smoke:
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  15. Bowls that hit like bongs ( If you pack them well ;) What about a glass blunt? :D

    But I smoke bowls more because the bowl I have I can taste the weed perfectly and hits great -.-
  16. I like both, but if your trying to get high real quick.......go with the bong. You get bigger hits
  17. Bongs are best in my book..
  18. I would say between the 2, I prefer a bong.

    My vape is my daily driver, but when I feel like actually smoking, I like to take my bong out rather than one of my pipes.

    Part of it is because I like big hits, but I don't like smoke hitting my throat until I'm actually ready to take my hits. If I try to take a large hit off a pipe, it's harsh on my throat and I cant continue to inhale. So when I use a pipe, I just put the smoke in my mouth then inhale all at once. But when I use a bong, I can pull for a long time and get the hit nice and milky. Then I can hit it all at once.

    So yeah, bongs. :smoke:
  19. Small bongs hit hard as fuck. Whatcha talking bout.
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