How Do You Think Legalization Will Affect Stoner Comedy?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Duffed N' Slashed, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. When stoner comedy was just beginning, it was an underground movement. Slowly, with the help of the comedians like Cheech and Chong, the genre achieved mainstream success. Part of the reason for the success was the taboo nature of the content. Now that marijuana is gaining mainstream consciousness, it is pretty obvious that at some point in the near future it will be legalized.
    How do you think legalization will affect stoner comedy?
    I think that some of the great moments in any stoner movie involve the dealer. James Franco as Saul and Danny McBride as Red in Pineapple Express, Cheech and Chong dealing from an ice cream truck from Nice Dreams, hell, even Johnny Depp as George Jung in Blow when he was selling pot seemed pretty cool (not stoner comedy)

  2. Only part of the appeal is because marijuana was considered taboo. Actually, probably a very small part.

    I speak for myself, but under the assumption of everyone else who likes stoner comedy, in saying that stoner comedy is funny because I can relate to the humor in a way that someone who considers it taboo cant.

    In fact anybody who truly sees marijuana as taboo probably doesn't get Cheech and Chong much at all, or at least doesn't appreciate it to its full extent. I think legalizing marijuana wont do much to stoner comedy. I think stoner comedy period can only draw upon a limited number of premises that are specifically about weed, otherwise its comedy. So it can only really go so far. I guess ill make a guess and sayy.. Ok, its fully legalized. I think television and media will cater to at home, stoned, tv watchers. I think stoner comedy and stoner media will sharply rise for a little bit as an expression of celebration, but otherwise, whats more important to note is that comedy (period) would probably be more prevalent. Under the assumption that more people will smoke when its legalized, which very well might not be as many people as we think. Legal or not some people are afraid of feeling unlike themselves. Culturally, marijuana seems less 'taboo' now then back in the day and yet the rate at which Stoner Comedy is coming out is much higher now than back with Cheech and Chong. I know this.. There will not be another Cheech and Chong. So the quantity will surely rise, I hope the quality is there too, because I can easily turn off a dumb stoner comedy and watch a better, regular one.
  3. So the prohibitionist production companies that put these movies's because they are big fans of weed, is it?
    Not enough people have put two and two together there....
  4. I think that's off topic. But to answer I don't know. The only reason I figure a prohibitionist production company would back something against their agenda would be that money, is actually their agenda. Not enforcing some secret prohibition agenda. I think they just want to make money selling movies, like big moolah. But I think op just wants to know if weed related comedy will rise or fall after full legalization, if that happens.
  5. If it was about my expression of celebration comment. Yeah. Writers like Seth Rogen and basically anyone else who writes comedy will express celebration. I didn't mean production companies specifically. They will sell what's popular in a soulless fashion.
  6. It's easier to live with the abuses of citizens if we have movies making light of the thing they are abusing people over.
    It makes the youth of America let down their guard. The legal reality and the folly presented on-screen are miles apart.
    Yeah, its about money, as always. But to present something as fun and no big deal like stoner movies do is not in line with the ever-increasing drug war. And the stereotypes of cannabis users that these movies portray people as? That certainly doesn't it make it seem like any intelligent person would imbibe. It does paint a picture. Try to tell someone cannabis is the cure for a myriad of diseases after watching a stoner comedy. They will ask you what you're smoking. It's subtle, but damaging, overall.
  7. well the new stoner comedy will be laughing at the prohibitionists who were wrong about cannabis annihilating entire universes at one single hit. then the prohibitionists will feel bad because they were duped 
  8. It will be funnier, because people will be high when watching it.

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