Are The Majority Of Humans Doomed To Live In Misery?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by UrbanGuerilla64, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. Only a relatively small percent of humans live a content life. Where food,water,sanitation and shelter are abundant. 
    Can everyone on the planet live in 1st world conditions? Is it possible to achieve equality and a high standard of living for all?
    Or is it like some unwritten natural law that states that only few shall live in comfort while the rest are doomed to struggle and misery?
    Should humans strive for utopia or is it just too far fetch and unrealistic like trying to build a ladder to heaven.

  2. Everyone who's living in misery is a basic bitch aha
  3. Looking around in American Casino's....I see 99% fat ugly lady's playing the slot machine...hoping to catch a lucky break?
    Misery is the man behind the wallet
  4. I think there are two different ways to answer that question-Yes, it could be possible one day to use technology to make it easier for people to live without food (some alternative source) and along those lines-free energy so that that would in turn help them prosper. And the No-Man's human nature would be the factor stopping the whole process-greed.
  5. Well I guess someone who's priority isn't one of the four you listed then they should be content lol. Are the basic four you listed actually a small percentage though? I know there are a lot of unfortunate people though unfortunately 
  6. we just need to stop opressing people and allow capitalism to thrive

    Proven fact : if you help a person in africa learn how to farm and run a buisness, an entire town and econony will grow around them. They do it themselves. This is moraly and logically superior to the old meathod where we just give them free food. That never solves the problem. They either eat it all and dont learn, or gangs and warlords ninja it.

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  7. Technology is not needed. They just need to learn how to be self suffiecient. They are perfectly capable of growing food. They need to get over their political/societal strife. Which isnt being helped by whitemen at all.

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  8. NO the miracle of a day like 4/20 or any holiday or celebration proves that humans and natures animals can have a good time
    In some countries its a huge issue getting water-and then sustaining food from that. And yes, the societal/political issues make it even harder-i.e. greed for power, control, and resources. If people were freed of needing an expensive (time and labor) food supply that would at least alleviate them starving.
    No food in your belly does not leave much room for anything else-'learning to fish'.The world may have enough resources-but-as you say...they need to take care of their own deal. They need a resource to sustain in the first place though. Then they could grow their economy in other ways. Some African businesses have started making solar panels and the like.
     It's taking what little resources they are able to get right now just to put some rice in bowls. Potable water is the most basic need. Something is needed if not through the use of technology then. Something would have been done years ago if the problem of clean drinking water/food was that simple to solve.

    So back to OP's question-It should be possible to improve quality of life through the use of readily available resources-without additional labor and cost. New ways of using technology can simplify this process. There will never be a utopia because human nature directly fights it. 
    If everyone is brought up to first world conditions, something would eventually have to be considered for population control..and how would people do that? I think Nature has a way of balancing itself out though. Maybe that's the natural law you were thinking about. 
  10. Its your choice to live in these places. I agree technology will help these places.
    But few people live in areas where food and water are actually hard to.come by naturally. Its ALL politics at this point in human evolution.

    The only reason anyone should starve in this world is because of greedy powery hungry fools
    Like i said. Its been proven that communities given the means to improve will imrpove. Its about spreading knowledge and moving away from government.

    The technology is there. The reaources are there. The ONLY thing stopping every man woman and child from getting what they need is government (or if you prefere the term greedy elites/warlords/whatever)

    Same shit. Power and money.
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    There are too many of us and a finite amount of resources so unless we're going to address the issue of overpopulation as a planet, there will always be hunger, suffering and want.  We could try to raise the standard of living for everyone but where  are those resources going to come from, space or another dimension?  Humans must learn to manage the resources we have available and perhaps understand that the road to a utopia is paved with many, many, many graves. 
    Even so, I don't believe utopia is an ultimate destination, rather a noble concept that will make us better as a people for trying to attain it.....
  12. Ever see the episode of Sliders where the human race was only half a billion people and everything was cheap and abundant,i guess thats the only some what realistic way to have enough for everyone.
  13. when i say a content life i mean that your not stressing over where your going to get your next meal,your next clean drink,etc. 
  14. Ah I shee
  15. I hope to see a day where all human on earth is living in a content life.  It is not happening for a lot of places in the world right now, but it can sure be a goal that all the 1st nation can works towards to. 
    so basically give a man a fish feed him for a day, teach him to fish feed him for life
  17. human nature is to never be content. we always strive for something, the effect of that can be positive or negative. to end world hunger is possible, but it would not bring a content state of mind to every person. it is a natural law for the dominant individuals in a species to reign above and enjoy their status above the average individual of a species. misery is a very human concept.
  18. for few people to be rich they many others have to be poor, but whos going to part with all their wealth just to make some other people happy
  19. Probably.

    There are infinite ways to suffer. There is only one way to be content.
  20. It's not just about money.  A lot of people are genetically predisposed to live in misery (depression) and other mental illnesses.  And some are fat and ugly and never find a relationship or live in bad ones.  Others have great lives then have children with issues that drives them insane.  Pretty much life sucks and hell is on earth for almost anybody.  Although I've met some people who seem pretty happy I'm just not sure why.

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