What Should I Do With My Avb?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by orbweaver, Apr 19, 2014.

  1. So, I've saved up some AVB - about a third of a standard sized prescription bottle. 
    What should I DO with it?
    Can I make tinctures with it?
    Do I just throw it in with my favorite gluten free brownie mix?

  2. Make some coconut cannaoil, make sure you get extra virgin coconut oil, I filled one of those jellie jam jars with a recent batch they were super strong too since I had about a half ounce of AVB saved up. coconut oil is the best to make edibles with since the fat content is so high (the good kind of fats though, this stuff is so damn useful you can even put it on your skin/face or even used as a hair conditioner LOL)
    I also sometimes do mixed bowls of AVB and the green herb in bong rips if I want to conserve, usually I just revape it at a higher temp though.
  3. Considering it's already been vaped just put it in your favorite food and chow down (no baking necessary).
  4. Make Firecrackers  Put it on peanut butter graham crackers and put it in the oven at like 320 for 15 minutes
    Thats what I plan on doing after I save up some more
  5. I've heard sprinkling it into a milkshake or on top of some ice cream works very well. 
  6. That sounds delicious! AVB and Greek yogurt, breakfast of champions!

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