Mulch Living Or Dead.

Discussion in 'Growing Organic Marijuana' started by RanchoDeluxe, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. I just used the search button and couldn't find a thread that was dedicated to mulch. It's a really integral part of the Soil Food Web and reduces the need for watering.
    Anyhow, post up some pics of your mulch porn. Describe what you like to use for mulch.
    Here's what my mulch looks like. I threw a handful of alfalfa pellets on top of  the bare soil and then added a thin layer of composted pine bark mulch. Threw some fenugreek seeds down and let them come up. Then I added some native grass, a small amount of leaves, a few handfuls of biochar, and some red clover. I threw a few handfuls of lava rock around randomly as well.

  2. Don't have pictures of my mulch, yet. But, I do have to say I absolutely love fenugreek. I just know it as fenogreco; it has an amazing smell, and it can be used in different herbal medicines. I've had this, "earthy" man teach me how to make a mouthwash for cavities out of fenugreek, horsetail, and a couple other herbs I can't pull off the top of my head.
    For my dead mulch I usually use straw and the grass clippings/herbs I pull up out of my garden (I just pull them up and set them down around the base of my veggies.) I've been reading a lot about clover being a great living mulch and dynamic accumulator, so I think I'm going to start seeding some white clover.
  3. A thick several inches of fresh vermicompost mixed 50/50 with (fresh is best) chopped comfrey works great for me. I'll find it loaded with both worms and bright white roots...
  4. i have been using either vermicompost or com lobster compost as my mulch. I figure it serves 2 purposes that way.
    Try mixing any of the accumulator plants in with them when you mulch with them - 
    Microbe stimulation.
  6. #6 Anatman, Apr 18, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2014
    How erotic.
    Edit: @[member="jerry111165"] stimulates my microbes.
  7. No living mulch for me, technically.
    got some mycelium though :smoke:
  8. Working on that @[member="jerry111165"]. I just received my comfrey and religious propaganda from coe.
    Dude, how long did it take to receive your order from the day you placed it?  I'm on day eleven and have heard no word from Coe.
  10. #10 sweet_island_matt, Apr 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 18, 2014
    Hey wak! It took 2 weeks from order. I didn't get an email or anything, just showed up in my mailbox. I think it takes him a long time because he hand writes a bunch of notes on everything and has to burn a few DVD extras for you. I will take a pic for you when I get home. He may be running the entire show at his place. A very passionate dude about his causes! Matt
    Thanks, bud...
  12. #12 BeanusOfWeanus, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2014
    I made a mulch of sorts from what I had laying around, and I'm pretty happy with the overnight results. It looks a lot nicer than just plain soil, and it's holding the moisture in much better.
    Earlier in the day I had applied a neem/kelp tea, so used the material as a top dress. Then I covered that with lava rock I crushed up while watching some UFC on Fox, that was kinda fun. I basically dusted the entire surface in lava dust, then scattered some handfuls of pebbles around. Then I chopped up some dandelion, mixed it with castings, and spread that on top of everything. Hosed it all down with the Chapin and called it a night.
    This is what it looks like today.
    Next week I'll add some cover crop and barely straw. Thanks for the inspiration guys.
  13. #13 GiMiK, Apr 20, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2014
    Don't worry wak...still waiting on the ones I ordered too. 25 more on the way, not including what I plan on dividing this year from established plants.  :bongin:
    bunch of pot worms surrounding neem seed dregs on one of my 20 gallon no tills and 4 of them together cycling. sorry for the shit quality phone shots.
    Have a shit ton of fenugreek seeds, but never thought of planting them. We use them making our own curry powder.
    One of the biggest mistakes I ever made was listening to internet *experts* and taking the pine bark mulch out of my mixes. This was after using them for close to 40 years with zero problems. That, along with other expert advice and I had plenty of problems with my mix. That is being slowly corrected in my old mix and from the git go in fresh mix. I use it mainly as a humus/aeration source in the mix and as a mulch on the surface.
    To say things have improved would be an understatement and curse myself 7 ways from Sunday for believing that something that worked well for so many years was doing it wrong because I read it on the internet. Bonjour, ya'll.
    I'll plant some of the fenugreek seeds and see if their viable. Hell, I have 4oz of them from Penzy's.
  15. That's beautiful.  I'm pretty new to all this and with summer coming on a good mulch has been on my mind.
    Sounds awesome.  Vermicompost is just worm castings right?  If so it just keeps sounding better and better every time it comes up.
    Wouldn't the mycellium make it "living"?  I was digging today and had to break up a nice mycellium colony.
    I never even considered mulch on an indoor container.  You just blew my mind.
  16. "Had to break up a nice mycelium colony"??!? Why would you do such a horrendous thing?? lololol
    I guess since I use bokashi and have the fungi goin on up there It could be considered a living mulch :p
  17. I had a similar, revelatory experience right before I made the mulch. If I had a dollar for every time something I read here blew my mind, I'd have a fuck-load of dollars. Welcome to the cult forums.
  18. You blades need to read.
    Teaming with Microbes.

    Twas Ever Thus!
  19. I honestly tried, but the author's tone is annoying. Just give me the info, spare me the wit and charm. I'm sure I'll get bashed for this, but w/e. 

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