Flushing? Please Help..

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by StaffOfPower, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Ladies are finally ready for a pre harvest flush.. Just need to know what exactly to look for in Runoff PPM.

    (Don't have EC or PH meter)

    The PPM in runoff is close to that of the water I'm flushing with, where as it was a lot higher the first day of flushing.

    Am I moving in the right direction?

    Soil, by the way.
  2. yes you are
  3. Yes sir! You want your soil runoff to be close to the same as what you put in it, This way you know if you put water that is 6.5 PH and are getting around the same amount then your plants root zone is sitting where it needs to be.

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