Women Being Objectified?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by The Stud, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. [​IMG]
    Any thoughts about these pictures?
    We are bombarded with images of half-naked women every day, on the TV, commercials, forums (read: What female would you most like to fuck pics only thread on this forum)
    Do you think your perception of what is beautiful is changed because of these images? Do you still find women with a 'little extra' attractive?  (Ladies, do you find men with a 'little extra' attractive?)
    And women, do you find yourself attractive? If no, why not? What is it you want to change?
    Have you ever hated something when you first saw it, but then as time goes you start liking it? Like a new trend forexample? Does it make you think about how easy it is to influence you? 
    Gentlemen: Are you happy with what you look like? Your body? If not, why? 

  2. Women have always been objectified in the media, but even more so these days because of the whole "sex sells" mindset so those ads don't surprise me at all. I've seen much worse.
    I'm not sure whether or not my idea of beauty comes from ads since sexual ads are so commonplace. I rarely look at an ad and go "wow, that woman is sexy/beautiful" because that is what should be expected from advertisements. 
    I find all types of women attractive. I don't think being overweight or any other societal 'flaw' makes anyone less attractive. 
    And I'm pretty neutral when it comes to how I see my physical appearance. There are obviously small things I'd like to change just as most people but nothing so rash that I'd go out of my way in order to change it.
  3. #3 TheWhiteLighter, Apr 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
    Meh, been around since the beginning of advertising.
    Have you been in a cabin the last 200 yrs?
    Personally I am not swayed by advertising. I read about things that may interest me and decide if I want.
    Pretty women don't nor ever have made me want to buy a product. Ya they may be pretty but there is more to a woman or a product than how good they look or how a product looks based on a woman being in the ad.
    Only the weak minded are swayed by sexualized advertising.
  4. Men have been equally objectified since ancient times. Look at Greek sculptures.
    Women are pretty, take it as a compliment. It is not oppressive.
    You are being looked at like you are a steak and not a human being. Take it as a compliment. 
  6. Implying men simply view women as meat.
  7. #7 The Stud, Apr 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
  8. Equally objectified? I don't think so. Those sculptures were made centuries ago so let's not go there. Also, The Greeks were pretty gay in comparison to other ancient cultures.
    Being looked at sexually is not a compliment unless the woman wants this individual to look at her as so. 
  9. Well fuck me if that isn't thought crime. Welcome to 1984, people.
  10. #10 hermione420, Apr 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
    Since you're a guy you probably don't know what it's like to have all types of men hit on you, flirt with you, and say creepy things like "I've been watching you for a while..." when you've never seen them or spoken to them before.
    I'm sorry, but it only makes sense that someone wouldn't want to be objectified by a person that they're not attracted to.
  11. [​IMG]
  12. This thread didn't have to go so far south so early on.
    And those screencaps is from The L Word so I'm not taking this post seriously.
  13. I'm sorry, I'll go back to checking my privileges as a white male then. Is there anything we should do to make amends on our gender's behalf?
  14. This doesn't even have to be a gender thing. I'm sure nice looking men wouldn't want to be objectified or hit on by women that they think are ugly. 
  15. Women are not "objectified". We dont treat women like "objects" in our society.

    Many women chose to subject themselves to this "objectification". They like the attention. Sex appeal sells.

    Women tend to be diefied more than objectified in america at least

    Sent from my LG-E739 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
    Grow up maybe.
  17. Thunder from down under. Are men not "objectified"?

    I think this entire topic is silly.

    Horny men hit on young beautiful women. Sex appeal sells. Girls just want attention and fun.

    None of these are universals obviously.

    But this is a topic about a nonexistant issue

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  18. I barely even glance at advertisements. It's all bullshit for consumers to swallow. The way i see things is i've been objectified, i've objectified other people, and people will continue to objectify others; it's just the way the cookie crumbles. We look at someone attractive and that's what we see, an attractive figure.
    What's most important though is how we perceive those ads. If people are educated and understand people aren't just some ass they're not gonna go home to their significant other and blow smoke in their face because an ad said so. But that's the issue, some people aren't brought up with that innate sense of respect for others' boundaries. That's why we hear of rape, inappropriate touching, cat calling, etc.
    I think it's alright to look(not ogle), but be mindful of the person and don't make them feel uncomfortable, also keep your hands to yourself.
  19. Well some women like being looked at like that. And some others claim its wrong but go out barely dressed and have the nerve to complain they're being objectified.
    And to answer your questions: i do like women with a little extra. Doesnt bother me much. If shes pretty shes pretty but i cant do obese(dont know if i spelled that right)
    As for myself, i think im alright not super attractive but not ugly as hell either

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  20. In the context of advertisement and just in general, no, men aren't nearly as objectified as women are. Regardless of a man's appearance, we regard the other things that can put to the table much more like how intelligent they are, their career, personality, ect. The most objectification men have in media is porn and probably men's underwear ads.
    And the horny men hitting on young beautiful women comment. Gross. I can't help but imagine someone's dad hitting on a girl half his age. That's nasty. And I can say this because I've actually been on the receiving end of those types of interactions. I don't think it's okay by any means.
    also, it's a "nonexistent" issue for you because you're not a woman.

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