The Human Solution

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by pugswatergirl, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. If any of you truly want to help stop the government from infringing upon your creator given rights then you need to join your local chapter of The Human Solution.
    Be an active part of the chapter and if there isn't one local~start one up!!  That's what we did!!  We need to band together and show our strength in numbers, education and enlighten people to the simple truth that no one should go to jail for a plant!!
    Memorize your constitution for it is your best weapon against our criminal judicial system.
    Know what it means to repeal & nullify
    Seriously......bitching and complaining on forums, facebook & twitter do absolutely NOTHING to help each other out!
    Get active, stay active.
    I can tell you first hand that this grassroots organization is not out for your money.  $10/year is pretty damn cheap!  Especially since Joe will help you!  Joe (founder of The Human Solution) just came to Hash Bash in Michigan 2014 to meet all of the chapters in Michigan and some from Ohio that made the drive.  Joe makes sure you have the tools to work with and he gives you his personal phone number!!  How many organizations can you say that about??
    This is serious
    This is real
    Please help be part of the solution!


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