Describe Nothing.

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Delightfully High, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. So I and my girl were pondering death and religion earlier today and I had a question I nor her could really answer. The question being what would it feel like if when you died nothing happened? What is nothingness? Everything can't just go black because the prescience of black would imply something is present. Tell me what are your thoughts? What does nothingness look like (describe it). I maybe just being ignorant but I thought this was an interesting question.

  2. I almost never remember my dreams, I remember falling asleep and then waking up. I imagine death will be that minus the waking up part.
  3. It looks like nothing... What do you mean what does it look like? There is nothing to look at, or look with. Nothing to describe... Nothing to comprehend.

  4. I forgot what it looked like
  5. But in your dreams your sub conscious is still active dreams or not meaning thoughts and bodily activity is still present meaning this isn't experiencing nothingness but it's the closest I could imagine experiencing nothingness would feel like.
  6. So how does one describe it? I guess you can't but for some reason I just can't wrap my mind around it.
  7. There's something about this that's so black, it's like how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None... more... black.
    ~Nigel Tufnel
    It's because there is nothing to wrap your mind around :smoking:
  9. Almost like before you were born. You were nothing, and that's how it will be when you die.
  10. I actually got sucker bottled outside a bar when I was going to my car to grab some unmentionables to bring back to a party I was at last year. I just woke up hours later in the hospital. I couldn't remember a few minutes before it happened and it felt like closing my eyes and opening them to be in another place. It's against the laws of our universe to have nothingness though, so nobody will ever know
  11. #11 AlphaOmega420, Apr 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
    to really experience this you would need a Isolation tank, ive always wanted to try one ever since I saw some old movie about a scientist turning into a neanderthal or someshit after using one lol
    ive heard you start hallucinating and most people cant handle it, i would love to give it a shot sometime though
    complete sensory deprivation would be the closest thing IMO
  12. The Hindu describe "nothingness" as the void, where one goes after enlightenment... After lifetimes and many deaths, you become one with the void. But then again the void is nothing and then more. :eek:
  13. Of course, plus i move in my sleep even talk sometimes, but I'm not aware of it or have memories of so it is irrelevant I think.

    I've said it before and will again after this I'm sure. I'm no scientist I only know of things I have personal experience with.
  14. errr im so scaerd of teh isolation tank...
    where'd they get it at, ikea? i already talk to myself pretty sure that thing wouldnt make me any crazier
  15. Non existence does not exist.
  16. #17 Iknuksohgong, Apr 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
    Nothing is nothing.
    No shit.... That's why it's nonexistent.....
  18. To describe 'nothing' renders it something...
  19. Man I'm watching that vice doc about them right now with joe rogan, these are neato

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