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Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by shakenbyfear42, Apr 16, 2014.

  1. Epilepsy has become one of the big names in medical marijuana by ways it has relieved patients. Now people with epilepsy and those evolved know the benefits that this treatment could bring them. is pushing this petition to reschedule cannabis for more research and treatment. This petition is on and we need sound 9000 more signatures by April 19! This is something that is important not only to the Epilepsy community but also good for the cannabis community. We need this done, sign and share!
  2. This is huge!  I'm in.
  3. Signed!   (Your turn!)
  4. Still need over 89,000 signatures for petition from to reschedule cannabis for treatment. Last day today, can we at least give it a good chance and get as many signatures as we can today. Today is the last day! Let's show we mean business, today!
  5. I would sign but I'm not going to register.   Also there have been a few cannabis petitions that passed but they just shrugged them off so its not like they (government) takes this too seriously.
  6. Seizures caused by me screwing around as a kid? 6 or 7. Seizures caused by cannabis? 0. Seizures prevented by cannabis? Countless.
    Just took part in the Epilepsy Walk last year and got some donations to my name. I also made sure to get good and baked before the trek :hippie:

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