Meditate with me, please

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by greenterror, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Just one more day to the 15th.  I sure hope the tsunami won't happen.  The love for the Earth should be constant and unconditional, not just to use it to prevent disaster. 

    Right you are friend.
  3. I took a shit and the water splashed onto my ass this morning, does that count?
  4. once it doesn't happen (because it wasn't) it'll just be claimed that enough people's all just more

    Heads I win - Tails you Lose.
  6. Deal...flip that shit
  7. #47 Bumbaross, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2014
    Why not take into consideration a law of succeeding by two extremely successful people. Even without the psuedo, intention + action is going to bring you closer to your goal than not; that indisputable. Why not give it a shot
  8. Yodel with me, please. There is going to be an alien invasion on April 19th, 2014. The Blig-verts from Neptune are finally going to make their move.. I know for a fact they can't stand yodeling, so if we can get enough people to yodel towards the heavens.. they should be turned off. If we make it to the 20th, we'll know enough people yodeled and we can all get high as fuck.

    Yodel with me, please..
  9. #49 MelT, Apr 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 15, 2014
    A person's success is not a measure of their ability to see the world correctly, it does not provide or imply wisdom. Take Foster Gamble for instance, a massively wealthy man who promotes woo all over the internet (see 'Thrive') is clearly as mad as a frog. What Oprah and an actor think about anything doesn't carry any weight with me.
      Nobody is disputing the idea that having a positive outlook is better than a negative one, - but you oversimplify the OP, which said that a Tsunami could be averted with positive meditation, and implied that he could wish good events into existence. This is clearly nonsense, and the OP is now being berated by various members including myself for saying that it is possible. 
    The following shows why we should NOT trust a word Oprah says, as she helps support this idiocy:
    Steve Martin used to do a routine that went like this: “You too can be a millionaire! It's easy: First, get a million dollars. Now…”
    If you put that routine between hard covers, you'd have “The Secret,” the self-help manifesto and bottle of minty-fresh snake oil currently topping the bestseller lists. “The Secret” espouses a “philosophy” patched together by an Australian talk-show producer named Rhonda Byrne. Though “The Secret” unabashedly appropriates and mishmashes familiar self-help clichés, it was still the subject of two recent episodes of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” featuring a dream team of self-help gurus, all of whom contributed to the project.
    The main idea of “The Secret” is that people need only visualize what they want in order to get it - and the book certainly has created instant wealth, at least for Rhonda Byrne and her partners-in-con. And the marketing idea behind it - the enlisting of that dream team, in what is essentially a massive, cross-promotional pyramid scheme - is brilliant. But what really makes “The Secret” more than a variation on an old theme is the involvement of Oprah Winfrey, who lends the whole enterprise more prestige, and, because of that prestige, more venality, than any previous self-help scam. Oprah hasn't just endorsed “The Secret”; she's championed it, put herself at the apex of its pyramid, and helped create a symbiotic economy of New Age quacks that almost puts OPEC to shame.
    Why “venality”? Because, with survivors of Auschwitz still alive, Oprah writes this about “The Secret” on her Web site, “the energy you put into the world - both good and bad - is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day.” “Venality,” because Oprah, in the age of AIDS, is advertising a book that says, “You cannot ‘catch' anything unless you think you can, and thinking you can is inviting it to you with your thought.” “Venality,” because Oprah, from a studio within walking distance of Chicago's notorious Cabrini Green Projects, pitches a book that says, “The only reason any person does not have enough money is because they are blocking money from coming to them with their thoughts.”
    Worse than “The Secret's” blame-the-victim idiocy is its baldfaced bullshitting. The titular “secret” of the book is something the authors call the Law of Attraction. They maintain that the universe is governed by the principle that “like attracts like” and that our thoughts are like magnets: Positive thoughts attract positive events and negative thoughts attract negative events. Of course, magnets do exactly the opposite - positively charged magnets attract negatively charged particles - and the rest of “The Secret” has a similar relationship to the truth. Here it is on biblical history: “Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, and Jesus were not only prosperity teachers, but also millionaires themselves, with more affluent lifestyles than many present-day millionaires could conceive of.” And worse than the idiocy and the bullshitting is its anti-intellectualism, because that's at the root of the other two.
    Here's “The Secret” on reading and, um, electricity: “When I discovered ‘The Secret' I made a decision that I would not watch the news or read newspapers anymore, because it did not make me feel good,” and, “How does it work? Nobody knows. Just like nobody knows how electricity works. I don't, do you?” And worst of all is the craven consumerist worldview at the heart of “The Secret,” because it's why the book exists: “[The Secret] is like having the Universe as your catalogue. You flip through it and say, ‘I'd like to have this experience and I'd like to have that product and I'd like to have a person like that.' It is you placing your order with the Universe. It's really that easy.” That's from Dr. Joe Vitale, former Amway executive and contributor to “The Secret,” on
    Oprah Winfrey is one of the richest women in the world, and one of the most influential. Her imprimatur has helped the authors of “The Secret” sell 2 million books (and 1 million DVDs), putting it ahead of the new Harry Potter book on the Amazon bestseller list. In the time Oprah spent advertising the lies in “The Secret,” she could have been exposing them to an audience that otherwise might have believed them. So why didn't she? If James Frey deserved to be raked over the coals for lying about how drunk he was, doesn't Oprah deserve some scrutiny for pitching the meretricious nonsense in “The Secret”?
    Read more at:
    Finally! Something I'm good at!
    With you on our side, there's no way those aliens will come..
  12. I think we can all agree that an outlook on the world isn't the only region of success these 2 have strived in. I'm oversimplifying what he's saying, because like I said, his claims and views may be a tad extreme, but there is still truth in some forms of it. I don't believe we're in danger of a tsunami within the next 24 hours (despite the fact that it snowed up here in Canada today which is hella weird), but I do agree out of logic that without sustaining the earth, as residence of it we will eventually wipe ourselves out. In the grand scheme of things he's suggesting that we meditate which will do wonders for our personal health, so what's the point in putting him down and putting out more negative energy into a world that is already coated in it. Let the man make love to his bike and speak his mind in peace
  14. Lmao
  15. #55 MelT, Apr 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 16, 2014
    Again you are ignoring the content of the OP in faour of an alleged subtext which I have already said I agree with. We can not control reality with our minds, and nor can we avoid disaster by meditating it away. Do you agree with the OP or not on this?
    Oprah is a shill who has made a lot of money from taking advantage of her positon of celebrity. She has profited from peddling 'the secret'-  do you really think she is an unbiased commentator on it?
    In terms of 'putting him down'; how healthy and positive is it for someone to create a thread like this which is based on lies? Who is being negative here, is it me, who is warning the forum - basid on evidence - that the poster is lying, or you for defending him?,Which of us is doing the honorable thing?
    he's suggesting that we meditate which will do wonders for our personal health,
     That is not true by any stretch of the imagination. The OP directly asks us to join him in meditation to avoid a disaster. I teach meditation, I know its benefits, if his post had been about those benefits then there would be no quarrel. Stay with the facts, the OP is claiming that the mind can affect reality.
  16. I'm here for the yodeling?
  17. You hve opened my mind in such an amazing way! It's so true I hate the fracking and drilling and all else. Maybe the earth won't hurt us all but hopefully if anything happens it will just destroy te ones who hurt earth and let live the ones who care
  18. None of us know the full truth so none of us can accurately decipher who is lying and who isn't. I've seen this guy's posts; he actually believes in the stuff he's talking about so who am I, or you, to say he is lying to everyone. Since none of us know, what's the point of being so critical and putting him down for sharing an idea? Nobody knows whether mind can alter reality, but even is it can't the belief that intention + action creates positive outcome is a concrete belief, because it does. Even if law of attraction turns out to be proven false, in a world where people are constantly told they're not good enough I'm glad that 2 million people now have the mindset to chase the goals they want to achieve rather than the easy ones society marks as easily attainable. No I don't believe there's going to be a tsunami nor do I believe meditating right now would stop it, but I do KNOW meditation is beneficial to our health and so is taking care of our planet. You're missing my point because you're too focused on me missing you're point
    Well that is bicycle day...
  20. blackout in toronto

    o fuck

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