A domino effect of one huge climax

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by siouxrunner, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. #1 siouxrunner, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2014
    Hello everyone, I'm Joshua. Since yesterday I have been having clouded judgement. But let me explain. I have gotten a job, have gotten sponsored by a tri athlete company, found a whole new mix for my the band I'm in, I suddenly understand all of my classes, etc. Basically I've had all these good things happening out of nowhere. But all in a span since yesterday.
    I see a women with a black dog whilst running and I feel such a strong connection with my friend. Just now I got a text saying he got his previous ex pregnant. He left the state before this announcement. It turns out (after talking to my friend) that she had a black labrador just like his labrador (she got the black labrador after he left).
    So when I saw that women walking that black dog, it was his ex... It looked just like her. So when I saw her I got a strong connection/thought of my friend. It's his child after all.
    Very strange turn of events. Has anyone else had something weird loom over them like have I experienced since yesterday (22:32 EST)?


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