Watchdogs 59% off at Origin India Store PC £17

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Komatic, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. Looks like they finally did something for the horde of angry Indian gamers that have to pay western prices for games. Some people have managed to use VPN's to get it in other countries. Tried doing the same thing using Hola in Chrome and Firefox, got the same error at checkout. (Error 4404) Cannot process payment.
    Deluxe edition for just £17, screw having to pay upwards of £45 for it. So anyone know anything I can do to make this work?
    Even called the card manufacturer to verify that the payment should go through.  
    Gamespot Link
    Reddit Link
    Neo Gaff Link
    - Komatic  :smoke:

  2. Dude let me know if you get it to work please
  3. Im guessing this is over....smfh
    yep, if I only I had read GS news a day before.... Origin is offering the best pre order pack and all.
  5. You can still do this with the Mexican store, it's $40 USD, and will work and will be in English so I've heard. Its still cheaper than regular and only $10 more than this Indian deal.

    Sent from my LG-D803 using Grasscity Forum mobile app

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