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How old were you when you first toked?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PhoenixTattoo, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. 16. My best friend was major dealer for the high school and surrounding schools. He had asked me to try it all summer and when school came around I tried it and ever since have loved it. I didn't think much of stoners before and was never taught anything about weed beforehand.

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  2. First smoked at 14, was 17 when smoking became a everyday thing.
  3. I was 11. I also got offered a cigarette that day. I was scared to smoke the cigarette because I had seen the damage they can do to a person, but I went ahead and smoked the weed. I hesitated, took a puff and instantly relaxed. I actually didn't feel too high, just in a state of serenity.
    Before that, I always rolled cigarettes with random herbs. I have always been a little psychonaut, trying to find natural perception changing experiences...
    Haha. I was quite the bad ass kid.

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  4. I started at 14 and I thought it was like meth. I saw it and I'm like "wow that's what weed looks like" so I said fuck it and smoked out of a water bottle pipe with socket cap. I did not get high. It was with my best friend 6 years ago. I then would smoke on weekends. Then he got kicked out by my parents.

    I started smoking ash left over from the weekend one night. Then I asked my friend to buy for me. Then I haven't stopped since. Learned so much. Got some bongs and everything I needed, everytime I got caught my parents would smash everything that was glass.

    My mom would grab a chicken mallet and a paper bag. Next thing you hear is hundreds of dollars of glass being smashed.
  5. 17 months old?! Damn nigg u hardcore.
  6. lmao hahaha thanks for the laugh bro XD nah 17 years haha
  7. i never thought anything bad about stoners in the first place but i had just turned 16 in may of 2011 when i first smoked. i smoked maybe a dozen times that year. i started smoking twice a week around this time last year. i wouldn't really call it a lifestyle, its just something that i enjoy doing, and only my brother + friends know i smoke even though my dad has seen me stoned a few times and just laughed it off.
  8. 12. I went to a private school from K-8 and the kids were pretentious little f*cks. I became best friends with a little bad ass from day camp who put me on. We tried a couple times over a few months but I never got super smacked (probably was inhaling wrong but who knows).
    If anyone in my school found out that I smoked, I would've been ostracized.. (we're all seniors now and 75% of them still refuse to light up) So I stood in the cannabis closet 'til 8th grade when I came out to my step-bro. He showed me the proper way to smoke and I tripped so hard that I thought I was dying and begged him to call 911. My ass was clawing at my throat and twitching for 20 mins before crawling to the kitchen sink and putting my whole head under cold ass water.
    I never thought negatively of smokers.. I've always been curious. In retrospect, I probably started smoking to rebel a little from the tight asses that I grew up with. I managed to pop a few weed cherries after they warmed up to the idea but I lost a lot of "friends" to bud.
    *I'm surprised that I didn't quit smoking after such a bad trip. We ended up smoking some more after I stopped spazzing tf out. That was a good ass night.  :smoking:
  9.  I think I was 16 or 17 maybe
  10. i never smoked weed til i made that movie titanic.. fucking kate winslets rack...
  11. No one will believe me but on my 8th birthday all the older one gave me a gravity bong.

    I didn't go near weed again until I was like 14 it was a horrible experience and wen I look back I don't know how I ever looked at weed again.
  12. This is scary shit

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  13. I was 12.  It's documented in 'A Grower's Tale' (see sig).
  14. i wish I knew some one on here to back it up but yes it is scary

    I still hangout with the lad who gave me it he was probs about 12 at the time.

    When I tell people he done that to me at 8 they instantly look disgusted and shake there head he always try's to blame some one else but he egged me on and pout the weed in.

    The scariest part of all is he know has two kids his oldest is 7.

    I wonder how he would feel if I got hur stoned.
  15. #38 Moonwalker, Apr 12, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2014
    I bet he would get pissed like any parent would. I've smoked every day since 15, and I would NEVER give an 8 year old weed

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  16. pissd is a understatement. He would kill me mate if he didn't his dad would. (He is a bit a dojy guy eveen in his 60's)
  17. Is he an older cockney fellow? That's pretty dodgy

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