Why have the majorty of youth become cowards?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by LastDayOfTheRestOfMyLife, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. I am 18 years old, and most of the people my age and younger sicken me.
    Something has happend to this generation which has completly destroyed what it is to be a moral human being.
    I blame it mainly on the "gangster swag image" where people think its cool to act like a criminal, but in the face of confrontation these people are nothing more than cowards who are only tough in numbers.
    There is also so much stupidity among these who think they are "gangster". They think it is cool to start needless violence without a cause, however they often can not back up what they speak. For example there was this one real life example of this fool who though he could make sexual remarks to my girlfriend over facebook and then acted all tough when i confronted him, saying everything under the sun, but then when he realized i was the real deal, he cowered away, blocked me on fb and tried to send a couple of goons after me, who were just as weak minded as he was and backed down as well, its like good job man, you look so tough now.
    Another thing that is foolish is how spoiled and entitled everyone thinks they are, refusing to work or school,when they are 18,19,20 etc. years old and proudly leaching off their parents with no future in front of them, discusting.
    I don't know what to think, im worried about how people are going to look in the future and see how far  these people get in life with their presudo tough guy acts and refusal to work, it honestly makes me ashamed to know some of the people i know to see how pathetic they really are.

    I blame the people that used this puppet to dumb down the children, our future and destroy America from within...
    "no child left behind" turned out a few generations of entitlement minded dumb asses that can't think nor fight their way out of a wet paper bag.
  3. Everyone's so coddled and you get a fuckin trophy just for trying.
  4.  They have no self awareness just one foot in front of the other.
  5. #5 Johnny Blazed, Apr 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2014
    people been fighting for yrs the difference is now the loser comes back with a gun and shoots up the place
  6. I love when people 18-25 post shit like "damn 10 hour day at work today #nosleep #workhardplayhard"

    Bitch you worked 10 hours that's like a normal fucking shift.
  7. The us will end soon. Just like any other civilization. the us is at a all time low. Huge debts, shitty economy, gov. shut down. i feel sorry for my generation and the newer generations of kids because our lifes will suck.
    yup and im glad i dont raise my son that way...he tried his second time for his purple belt and was so sure he was going to get it..turned out he was close but didnt get it and that was that...no good try award and granted he was upset, he knows he just has to work harder next time...I told him not to sweat it and everyone fails but we keep trying till we get it right..Hes 8 and most of the other 8 year olds are so dumb because they are sheltered and never get off the xbox
    I think its the parents that are sensitive...they dont want to disappoint thier kid which in turn makes them feel like they arent a good parent when in reality its the opposite..im glad ive always been immune to crying and guilt because now my son is great and doesnt expect anything after ignoring him and showing him you "cant always get what you want" when he was little...seriously though parents your kid doesnt need to be comfortable all the time because you're just teaching them thats what to expect from the world and making these entitled little shits
  9. Youth always catch the flak. Have done for years. it's just something older generations blame.
    It's not the age that's the issue, it's the way society/ world is ran.

    Humans are breeding like rats, consuming everything in our path like locusts.

    We have abandoned morals and compassion for material stuff.
    Wonder if we will ever change our ways. Well enough of us before it's to late. Sadly I think not!
  10. I always look at this argument the same as I look at every other generational argument...It is simply the previous generation making their mistakes less noticeable by transferring the blame on the unintended target of their voting paranoia during the 80's and 90's.
    It isn't like people woke up and suddenly decided to stop trying, the people before them simply didn't show them how.
    Like dominoes, think of the game dominoes. :cool:
  11. I noticed this too. Everybody wants to be a gangster my age it's sad. Any real "gangster" will say it's not the right path... Common sense but it's destroying us young people
  12. You think your tough enough to enter the salty spittoon? I once had a bowl of nails for breakfast..... without any milk.

    "My first time havin sex was in a washing machine.... I was five."
    -Thurnis Haley
  13. Whacha expect mate.  Been social engineering a docile/sensitive population for decades now via the school system etc.
    Ah Nancy... I'd never even heard of drugs until your 'Just Say No' campaign.
    I don't even know what a barbiturate is now, but when I was 10 I knew it and every other. And I couldn't wait to try ALL of em. 
    Here's to Nancy Reagan, possibly the most influential person in my lifelong pursuit to get wasted.
  15. More reason for them to learn to be self sufficient and not feel entitled. 
  16. #17 Rainy Daze, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
    Because they can hide behind computer screens all day talking mad shit but then they realize it takes balls to confront somebody IRL. I think just in general society is becoming. "Softer" with political correctness and things of that nature.
  17. #18 Predaliendog, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
    That's kind of a broad generalization, although I concede the fact you said majority so this isn't really directed towards you just a rant in general. But this generation isn't completely fucked, there's still groups and individuals who are becoming that change and trying to fix what is wrong with the world and our generation instead of sitting around complaining about it. I know quite a few dudes and ladies that are our age who are definitely going places in life and carry their own weight. My roommate and I have been best friends since freshman year and we're now 19. we've had our own apartment, in Colorado a couple states away from our families, for about a year now. He has a full time job, I have two part times that come out to about 55 hr/wk and also go to school full time. We also own a residential HVAC business. Don't complain about the bitches, just be an outlier by being responsible and going after what you want. Who knows, maybe we can bring hard work and respect back to the majority.
  18. 8 hours is a normal fucking shift. 10 hours is almost half a day.  you spend 16 hours a day just sleeping and working.  thats fucked.
  19. More work= more money some people like being lazy more than they like money

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