Christianity theory

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by furittus, Apr 9, 2014.

  1. Religion is funny because everyone has a different perspective on it. Religion is a part of your life as growing up so we can basically rationalize anything we would like to stand. We all need to agree on one thing, a constant if you will, and tht thing should be "religion is inside your head". That's where it lives and feeds of hopelessness of everyone. Congrats

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  2. I'm not priest so I can't explain with all the details and as accurate. But In Christianity what I was taught and told from many priests I listened to in church is that God isn't man God is 3 things all together In different forms. Like the catholic saying wen they make a cross, keep in mind I'm not catholic so I may be wrong but it's just for example when they make a cross it goes "(forehead)father, (middle of chest, around where heart is) son, (left and right lung) Holy Ghost" it's something like that but I'm possibly wrong.

    So the three forms are what I just said father, son and Holy Ghost(spirit)

    1st one- father the father is God, the God In heaven that us Christians/Catholics believe has a plan for everything.

    2nd one-son, the son is Jesus, Jesus was the form of God sent down to man as a human form of God for everyone to see. In Jesus lived God who did all the miracles for people and all.

    3rd one- the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit. This form of God is the form that lives inside us and guides us through life. I don't know much more than that abhor the Holy Ghost/ Holy Spirit.

    So like I said I can't explain it the best and it prolly sounds stupid to many non-believers. But I wish I could explain it better but I hope that clears it up that God isn't a human or man but was a form of man at one point. I know, how could God have a son if he isn't man? That idk and can't explain but all I'm saying is that it's just not that God is this being in the heavens that has a son but that he is also living inside his son and used his son(Jesus) for the greater good.
  3. I just don't get it. We were created in an evil state so we could grow up to be good? What if I don't want to be a sinner? Do I have the free will to just not be one or am I forced to be one because God says so? No fair, man! 
  4. jesus is god in the flesh. he died for us  .
    that's what the big man upstairs was sending him to do, send a message.
  5. Sun worship
  6. lol. I have been on this road since I can remember.  is god real? is jesus real?   I have done so much soul searching, so much youtube bullshit, so much google shit, so much ancient history research and I have come to my own personal perspective.
    I believe humans, since the beginning of time, have been searching for a meaning, some sort of order, to answer the mystery inside of us.
    I believe that there is a higher power.  I do not believe that a man came down a died for our sins.  when I use commonsense, when I use my mind, I just cant see how our "Higher power" would provide us a mind and commonsense, then tell us to not use it when it pertains to religion.
    Religion is a scam people! Mind control.  Its for the sheep.  
    "All you have to do is say jesus Christ is your savior and you will be free"....................what a fucking joke. doesn't make any sense to me. 
  7. godandscience. Org
  8. the law brought sin into existence.  if we didn't know the law, we wouldn't know that the sin has taken place.  That is why Jesus came down to replace the law.
    Once known that the sin has happened all that had to be done was to atone for said sin.  Once the fine has been paid then we can go back to doing whatever.  Ur sins is forgiven but your heart hasn't changed.  Jesus was needed to tell people that it had to be a change on the inside because it would have never happen waiting on them Jews
  9. Your first mistake is believing that the Bible is factual.

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