What is depression?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Buddha_Man, Apr 8, 2014.

  1.  I've been feeling real depressed lately and all ive been doing is sleeping.Like 16 hours a day, and I know it isn't healthy. It's not healthy for my mind and my heart. The reason I don't think it's a "chemical imbalance" like they say, is because I look outside at this beautiful spring weather, and I want to be a part of it. So it's not like I hate life or anything. I wanna be out there laughing,working, and having fun but my mind is just full of doubt. IDK how to explain it really. So I get my mind all worked up about things and the only solution is to sleep because when I'm sleeping, I dream of nice things and all my worries dissapear. I'm kind of addicted to sleep in that sense, because I'm doing it for a feeling, not for necessity.
    Fuck depression man.

  2. I'm sorry i didn't read your post, maybe i will later. depression sucks, it just eats away life.
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  3. Yeah depression sucks ass. I've had to deal with it a few times in my life. A little while ago I was like you actually. I just had so much doubt about my life. Getting out of bed became pretty difficult because I just didn't want to deal with anything. Just try to remind yourself that better days will come, and they will. Remind yourself of what you have going for you to try and rebuild your confidence. And just try to look at life in a positive way. That's how I've helped myself through depression. We really do only live once, so we might as well try and enjoy our lives as much as we can. 
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  4. you arent going to feel less depressed by continuing to sleep man. if youre depressed with your life all you can do is change it into something youre happy with.

    you dont need drugs to fix it either. at best the bandage things til you change your life, and then have pretty shitty withdrawal effects (yes, antidepressants have withdrawals, and worse than a lot of recreational drugs).

    its really all up to you what you experience in the day.
  5. Depressed is giving up on life, and not even attempting to feel happiness anymore. Depression is a state of mind where you are completely hopeless, where you feel no confidence anymore. Nothing feels worth it, your life feels horrible, and I've come to realize depression is all just a mental attitude that I conjured up myself. 
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  6. I don't like to sleep because I dream of either dying or something really violent.
  7. See u in the lonely thread.
  8. Could be 'Night Terrors'.
  9. Im not sure ya know.... tbh im too busy tied up with being able to know that I exist that depression just doesn't compute for me.  
  10. #10 landrace, Apr 9, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 9, 2014
     I hate being depressed, but during those times my creativity peaks. If I'm writing a short story, funny joke, or painting a picture. I'm no way advocating depression is great, but from my personal experience though I was able to complete a few creative projects. 
    You just got to find some hobby man, and dive into it and try to pull some creative shit out of you.
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  11. One of the unfortunate parts about being depressed is not knowing why you feel the way you do.

    I can't tell you I know what you're going through, nor should anyone else, because we're all different.

    When things get really bad, know that you don't have to do it by yourself. It took me well over a year to finally be able to admit, not only to myself but to my loved ones, that I needed help; there's no shame in that.

    Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk
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  12. Do you still smoke daily op? You say you want to enjoy certain things but cant just want to sleep... most of the time it could be the unmotivational workings of pot on the overthinking mind, only solution you see is to sleep.

    Depression is all a mindstate... you tell yourself when you wake up im sick, and bang you feel sick,, it actually hurt me ay i woke up everymorning throwing my guts up yet nothing was comming out exept the froth from my stomach lining.....

    Drugs especially pot may seem like the only way to get your mind back on track, but they dont... you go backwards... its a shit tricky loop only you have to wake up in the morning and ask yourself why you are depressed,,, if you want to continue living this shit mindstate or snap out of whatever is causing it.....
  13. Just because weed didn't work for you doesn't mean it doesn't work for others with depression. There's a lot of information out there on weeds positive effect with depression.
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  14. #14 240sxLover, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
    I honestly think weed doesn't help with depression, it only masks it for a few hours in my experience. I can think of a drug that shoots me outa depression for months, but it's one of the most demonized and misrepresented drug there is pretty much, and we can't discuss it here, not to mention it's hard to find of late and is being replaced by much more dangerous things these days that the inexperienced user may not know about or how to differentiate.
    The chemical imbalance thing is bullshit. SSRI's and SNRI's don't do jack shit, in fact it's been proven that in most cases Prozac's effects are a placebo. I have experience with it, it's bullshit. Psychiatrists are crooks. Psychologists may actually help though.
    OP, I struggle with depression daily too. Like others said, you have to find a way to distract yourself and pour your effort into something you enjoy.
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  15. #15 goddess72, Apr 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2014
    Wow. I can relate..except I have kids and can't sleep that long...wish I had answers too. Guided meditation helps me some.
  16. Yea sativas help alot, superlemon haze especially...
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  17. ..you wanna know how I handle my depression?
    -he does'nt wanna know how you handle your depression
    well i'm gonna tell em' anyway..
    No-..you probably should not do tha-..no, ya know what, fine..yeah go ahead, do that..tell me how that goes
    motherfucking PONIES, dawgmigo, oh and weed, i smoke alot of weed
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  19. Dude at least you can sleep, ive battled with depression and insomnia for as long as i can remember and all i can say is, mj helped me relax and it helped me to figure out the source of my depression. And once i realized the cause it became a lot easier to deal with it and to motivate myself to move forward in life. Depression took alot out of me so im dealing with the repercussions but at least now i know where i stand and i found the motivation to push myself forward. So maybe you can do the same, see a therapist and let them help you figure out why you're depressed and go from there. Cheers
  20. I experienced severe depression for a couple of years, so I know the feeling man. It will get better.
    Depression involves isolation, loss of motivation, change in sleeping and eating habits, loss of interest in things you used to love, and parts of your brain actually shut down :eek:
    All I can suggest doing is what worked for me. Meditation/chanting. When you feel shitty and like you don't want to get out of bed, chant/meditate. It takes no physical energy and takes you to your happy place. Learn to practice mindfulness meditation, where you focus solely on what you are doing at that exact moment. Once you get that down, when you are doing it you will not notice if you are depressed, because you are focusing on the sensations of the air on your skin, taking breaths, the feeling of your feet on the ground, etc.
    Sign up for a positive psychology class (or read everything you can on it) at your local college. I took that and it helped immensely. The whole class teaches you about how to boost your happiness levels in your every day life.
    Of course there are several options that help other people. Talk to a psychologist and do cognitive behavioral therapy. Exercise. Eat healthier. And worst case scenario, you have to take some meds for a period of time if nothing else is working.
    Maybe this is all brought on by the fact you stopped drinking recently, assuming you actually quit (not being a dick, just haven't heard an update), and you are bored in your life.
    No matter what, hope it gets better for you bro :metal:
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