Question about Hookahs...

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by samiamsunshine, Apr 8, 2014.

  1. Ok, so basically I am already on probation with my college for getting caught with weed in my dorm. Also, I have a court hearing coming up in May because of this as well. That is the back story to my question. 
    Would it be ok for me to invest in a hookah for myself???
    I am so close to buying a hookah, and I researched this. It only counts as drug paraphernalia if it has weed in it. And I see so many people lounging in the gases on campus just chillin' with their hookahs, and there are even hookah bars, which is where I go to when I have a craving for it. lol 
    So, can I get in trouble by buying myself a hookah? I know that this may see really silly to you all, but I really don't want to get in any more trouble, and I am doubling checking sure it is 100% ok for me to be in possession of one, before I actually buy one. 
    And I know I should just not risk it probably, but I like hookah, and I feel that if I can go to a bar every night to smoke it, then it should be ok, but I still wanna make sure.. so yeah. That is my rant. All answers accepted here. Thanks :) 

  2. Yes hookahs are totally fine on campuses. The only rule is to smoke them in designated smoking areas if there are any. It's ok to keep in your room as long as it's not in use and does not appear like it has been in use in your room.

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