DEA: Legalization Makes Us Fight Harder

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by FishBoulder, Apr 6, 2014.


  2. Yeah one of those dea bastards was saying "but think about the dogs!"

    Literally, google, dea, think about the dogs. Get a good lol
  3. We can compare at the end of the year.

    How much money Colorado and Washington brought in, to, how much money the DEA wasted trying to stop marijuana.
  4. yea not buying it im going to need some evidence that prohibition isnt in fact whats devastating this country
  5. #5 bigcat13, Apr 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 7, 2014
    I'll try to find the numbers, but the ridiculous part is the numbers of how many hemp plants they rip, vs actual female cannabis s. or i.
    something ridiculous like 90%:10%
    Way to go DEA agents
    Go get em
  6. Bah. Pay no attention here either. The DEA just has to look like they are wildly out of touch and play the role of "straight man" once again.
    Any crapola "legalization" scheme put forth then looks brilliant compared to their draconian hell.
    More theatrics by more actors. Shakespeare is chuckling about now.
  7. Good, Law enforcement butthurt on this issue is always music to my ears. 
  8. Haha imagine how mad Leonhart will be if DC gets it legalized, people getting high right in the DEA's backyard.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. Cause the arrests and possessions of Cannabis provides them income. Think about the children? Yeah, there was a video posted on YouTube where this girl's parents' prescribed medical Cannabis to treat her cancer symptoms, and they vanished over a period of time so when it comes to that argument -- counter with an open ended one.

    Why do they say that U.S. society will go down the drain once Cannabis gets legalized?
  10. #10 Storm Crow, Apr 8, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 8, 2014
    Shaddy, because they rule and control the population with fear and lies!
    But now we have the internet  :yay: , and folks ain't buyin' the BS anymore!  
    And if anyone says "Think about the puppies!" (  :laughing:   ) show them this!
    Two hundred and thirteen cases of marijuana toxicoses in dogs.       (abst – 2002)
    "The marijuana ingested ranged from 1/2 to 90 g....... All followed animals made full recoveries."
    Now I imagine at least some of the cannabis the dogs were reported eating ended up on the rug or scattered around, simply because I have trouble believing that a dog ate 90 grams (a tad over 3 ounces) of cannabis- physically, that is a LOT of weed! :eek: .
  11. The DEA, the Drug Task Forces, and the local PD, don't seem to care about dogs when they kill them during drug raids!
  12. The marijuana policy project has started a petition to fire that fucking bitch Michele Leonhart. It's very close to getting the required signatures to pass
  13. Why would someone admit that their (well paid) job is pointless?
  14. MPP= more prohibitionist lobbyist bullshit. They're here there and everywhere to lock up cannabis for special interests.
    Prohibitionists are just messing with people now and doing pretty much the opposite of whatever they are saying. It seems to be working to throw some people off their trail.

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