Religion aside; Logically, what happens after death?

Discussion in 'General' started by rao34189, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. It IS proven that your brain releases 21 grams +/-5g of n,n-DMT upon death. So this theory is likely too.

    I don't wanna come out of the rabbit hole.
  2. lol no it isnt. we know nothing about why dmt is in our body, how it got there, what purpose it serves, when it gets released, or if its even released at all.

    it was speculation by rick strassman based on his own dmt experiences that its released at death. speculation and nothing more.
  3. rigamortis 
  4. I agree with the the op. When the brain shuts down we are not gonna be able to be conscious. It's just gonna be like before we were born. It's plain nothing.

    A lot of people, especially religious people are afraid of not having an afterlife. They just can't except not existing anymore. But when you think about it; an infinite afterlife, in my opinion, is way scarier. The thought of being conscious for an infinite amount of time just bugs me out. Imagine there is no end and you'll be there for ever. I feel like it would suck, it would freak me out. That's why I'm not afraid of dying.

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  5. is it even logical that you grow up and live just to die? death isnt logical and is only open to philosophy and religion.
  6. All I know is, I wanna be a fucking tiger.
  7. #27 Stormy Sea, Apr 2, 2014
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2014
    Well, I have no fucking clue.

    I have no proof of there being a higher power or not, so... I don't believe, but I don't disbelieve; anything could be true, we've no concept of anything but the human reality, so how are we to know? Everything alive perceives the world differently.

    We could simply release a bunch of chemicals in our brains when we die, then cease to exist, and disappear, which wouldn't be bad; we wouldn't even know it, we'd just be gone. With what we know so far, that seems the most logical.

    Or, there could be an afterlife, or reincarnation, or another world.. I don't fucking know, but I sure as hell ain't gonna assume and go telling other people they're wrong.
    Still, I always love this story, it makes you think, even if it's bullshit...  the end is worth it.  :smoke:
  8. My question is will there be another "thing" that you will control. Because if when you die, it's for the rest of the time, do we truly even matter? Or do we just create the sense of belonging. Hard to think of the things that will infinitely happen and I won't see any of it.

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  9. What would be scary is that your conscience may still be there and you might just not be able to move or feel. Vision and hearing may still be there but the inactive brain means you cannot respond to the surroundings. I mean imagine if you could see yourself being buried/cremated and shouting towards your family members to not burry/cremate you but your body just isn't responding. Seeing the doctor pronounce you dead and friends/family crying around you but you are still able to think, see and hear. I don't believe death should be thought of as a bad thing, it frees you of this fucked up world, finally at peace. By the way, this idea is made up from a thought I had when I was high, don't mean to scare anyone.

    Peace and happy smoking.

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  10. The science of death has really nothing to do with death itself.
  11. Yet if we contain energy and energy can't be destroyed...
  12. A few years back a group did a study on what happens at the moment of death.  Is their life after death so forth.  Anyways in the study the filmed people who were dying.  They had them on beds specially made so that it keep track of their weight.  And on every person in the group that they studied the moment they passed away they lost around 1/4 of a pound.  No it wasn't body waste because everything was being weighed including if the body relieved its bowels too. 
    But on every person they found out that the moment one died that  for some reason around a 1/4 of a pound disappeared some where.  They concluded and you have to take this on faith,  That at the moment of death it was the soul that left the body and that was why it was a 1/4lb less.  The energy in our bodys that make up our soul our life is what they claim is the 1/4 lb.
  13. So basically ghosts are real. Can we fly anywhere in the universe once we die? Lol

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  14. #35 GrassISgood, Apr 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
  15. think about this.
    our life or our consciousness is in liquid form in a glass cup.
    at death this cup shatters. 
    Your consciousness is now poured into a Pool of "consciousness".
    Years, decades, centurys? who knows. eventually your taken from this pool and born maybe another human,
    maybe a fish. nobody knows. may depend on how you lived your past life. good person? bad person? than can have an effect. 
    Can karma determine your afterlife?
  16. Actually everyone, Our brains keep functioning up to 5-6 minutes after death.  A better question would be what do we experience during those minutes?
  17. Hopefully a trip, repeating life or some deep shit

    I don't wanna come out of the rabbit hole.
  18. Nothing. I can't wait
  19. #40 King Willie, Apr 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
    I like to believe something like this too.

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