You are being farmed for your spitual energy

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Finncept, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Recently I came across this far-fetched yet fairly possible claim that we are being farmed for our spitual energies by aliens in other dimensions.

    Anyone else have views or know much about it?

    The public perception of the UFO phenomenon centers around lights seen in the sky, reports of encounters with beings and ships that have landed in the woods, and certain people getting abducted for experimentation and breeding purposes. These do happen, but they are only the tip of the iceberg.

    What we call “aliens” are hyperdimensional beings. They hide behind the veil of our perceptions and can project themselves into our visible reality at will. They are not recent visitors to earth, but have been here for hundreds of thousands of years and continue to live here. Some “aliens” helped genetically engineer the human race, while other factions later crippled human genetics in order to turn mankind into little more than a source of physical and etheric food. Today, those interacting with humanity via abductions have a negative orientation and intend to create a race of human-alien hybrids capable of ruling over humanity while having total allegiance to the interdimensional alien empire. Literature and popular culture tend to identify these negative “aliens” as the reptilians, grays, mantids, and some hostile nordic factions. There exist positively oriented beings as well, notably the more positive nordics, but they respect the law of freewill and do not engage in physical abductions. Rather they exist as a spiritual brotherhood lending their service to protect and guide those of us who seek freedom from the limitations of this 3D matrix control system, prison/school earth..
  2. One thing to add, is that aliens and ets are lower dimensional beings, with lower vibrations. They work with the fallen angels to bring the destruction of humanity and separation from the Creator. Just as a hive of bees collect honey, these Borg-like creatures exists to farm our souls and energies.

    “The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them -- words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a tellar but for want of an understanding ear.” Stephen King
  3. cant talk about drugs fools
  4. Don't entertain foolishness
  5. #5 g0pher, Apr 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2014
    People actually believe this stuff? 
    I mean seriously ?
  6. #6 TesseLated, Apr 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2014
    Anything is possible..unless you prove it impossible. But even if it is, I'm not sure what a human can do about it. It like anticipating death...what can you do? *(Cryovac isn't readily available yet)
  7. Lol its a natural substance found within your brain. In any case, there are way too many accounts on this to fully dismiss it. That would scream ignorance.

    There are dimensions we cannot see. Just as we cannot see magnetic forces, there are many multiple layers of an onion sized universe that are invisible to us. We found a way to measure and observe magnetic forces but lower, and higher vibrations on the spectrum remain invisible.

    “The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them -- words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out. But it's more than that, isn't it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That's the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a tellar but for want of an understanding ear.” Stephen King
  8. are you trolling or do you really believe that? if you do believe it, why do you feel you know anything about aliens and the rest?
  9. I dare some asshole to try and farm my energy....hope it sets off some chain reaction.....
  10. Stop listening to David Icke, be free of your delusions 
  11. [quote name="M3ssenger" post="19801000" timestamp="1396669022"]Lol its a natural substance found within your brain. In any case, there are way too many accounts on this to fully dismiss it. That would scream ignorance.

    There are dimensions we cannot see. Just as we cannot see magnetic forces, there are many multiple layers of an onion sized universe that are invisible to us. We found a way to measure and observe magnetic forces but lower, and higher vibrations on the spectrum remain invisible.

    The "natural substance found within your brain" refers to the chemical compound known as DMT a.k.a the spirit molecule. It is present in every life form on earth, plants and animals. It is produced by your brain while you sleep and is believed to contribute to the reasons we dream.

    Sent from my ST26i using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  12. The rabbit hole is deep.
  13. [​IMG]

  14. yeah, i thought about that before. we are just some kind of energy for smarter beings or something. much like cattle.
  15. why would that be so far fetched? 
  16. We are definitely being 'farmed' for tax revenue/disposable income/life savings:


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