Please Delete My Account

Discussion in 'Forum Tech Questions, Problems and Troubleshooting' started by asd16, Mar 30, 2014.

  1. I want my account deleted I already set it in settings

  2. just wait they will get around to the approval and POOF you will be gone.
    I think they do it that way so the software can clean up the database.
  3. does it delete my post?
  4. no im pretty sure it doesnt
  5. 7. Please be aware of what you post within our community because we do not delete threads/posts upon request. If you decide at a later date that you want your account deleted, please use the Contact Us link and your account will be deleted. Your threads/posts will remain, your user status will be moved to Guest, you will no longer have access to the account and your account can't be found using our search function.
  6. So weird. I find these post to be strange and odd. I'm just like "duh"

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum

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