Has capitalism failed?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Papfo, Mar 29, 2014.

    How does the State buy the gun?

  2. The state can only maintain an unsustainable form of capitalism for so long. Once the human resources so effectively utilized and managed by the state realize their own fate has been determined by an entity which does not represent or answer to them they will become aware of the parasitic nature of the state and seek to starve the state through non-compliance.
  3. #43 FALSE, Apr 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
    By the means of the production of the gun being as it is under the control of the interests of profit, which answer to no one but profit.
    Under "pure" capitalism, what's to stop those things you mentioned from occuring?
  5. only yanks could be so indoctrinated with red scare propaganda that they genuinely think the USA is in some way socialist and thats the cause of all its problems lol

    sent from under mi sensi tree
    Well obviously the absence of a centralization of power is going to stop that power from interfering into trade.
  7. #47 yurigadaisukida, Apr 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
    Only a yank who is actually here has the credibility to make such remarks.

    Shits getting bad in america. The collectivist entitleists really are ruining the country and socialism is an innevitability here

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  8. lol americas dominated by corporations, the wealth gaps bigger then ever, state education standards are continuolly dropping. Youre far from socialism my friend

    sent from under mi sensi tree
  9. #49 yurigadaisukida, Apr 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
    Those things you mentioned are a result of socilaistic practices. We are on the way to becomming socialist.

    Think about it. The corperations in this case ARE the government. Therefore government technically owns the means of production.

    Every time we are taxed, that money goes to a "socialy owned" service. Police/military/fire/epa... these are all "socially" owned"

    America is no where near capitalism. Corperatism is far different than capitlaism

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  10. I love how every reality base criticism of capitalism is met with an ideoligical pure version of what it should be.  Blinders.
  11. #51 blazer12345, Apr 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2014
    do you have any idea of what socialism is. What you are describing, corporatism, is the polar opposite of socialism, in fact the binding of state and corporations is fascism... as made famous by Mussolini. Very different to socialism. The state doesnt own any means to production, the corporations do... your logic is mad and as I said is closer to fascism not socialism. Socialism is a state run by the workers which controls the means of productions... a bit different to Rich corporations dominating a bourgois government. I suggest you start off by reading "Socialism A Very Short Introduction" by Michael Newman that will explain the foundations of basic socialist principles and briefly distinguish between the different types.

    sent from under mi sensi tree
  12. Fixed.

    We are talking definitions here. Nothing said in that debate had anything to do with capitalisn. Thats like saying the problem with dogs is that they meow too much. Literally. Thays what it sounds like.

    Socialism is the public ownership of means of production. Capitalism is the opposite.

    Or another way of putting it is socialism = government
    capitalism = anarchy

    Public ownership of production means society (government) owns everything. Every time something js taxed for the good of "society" that is public ownership of means of production.

    The corperarions we have today are the result of government lawmaking. Not freedom in the market

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  13. -This corporatism you describe (and fascist ideology in general) has been described by Karl Marx as a last grasp by the ruling classes of capitalism to retain power, before its inevitable destruction

    I think you may also find Lenins book "Imperialism: The final stage of capitalism" interesting too as it deals with the business monopolies you describe in great detail

    sent from under mi sensi tree
  14. Thats based on a twisted definition of capitalism. Lets stop playing semantics.

    Do you not have a right to be free and live your life how YOU chose? As long as ot doesnt infringe on others' freedom? Does this right .ot include the choice to work hard to make tons of money or chill and live a simple life?

    Capitalism is the freedom to work, and persue wealth. Nothing more.

    You people are turning the word into "greed" and "indentured servitude" and "extortion". News flash, we already have words for those.

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  15. do you genuinely believe that the hardest working people are the best off under capitalism? Cause I guarentee the indian children working 10 hours a day in factories work a lot harder then me or you, do you think theyre better off? If capitalism did somehow work like you said itd be brilliant but it doesnt does it. Capitalism survives off tbe exploitation of others. We get less out then we put in... because the bosses take away from us for personal gain... thats a simple mechanic of capitalism

    sent from under mi sensi tree
    That's a fairy tale. Someone or something will rise to fill the void of power. History has never been without a central authority that can be corrupted.
  17. No. And they shouldnt. Simply being a hard worker isnt everything that factors into the value of your labor. Also "under capitalism" is a poor way of putting it.

    But yes. Under "freedom" the smartest and most hard working people are the ones who make it to the top.

    However under state corperatism (not freedom/capitalism) taxes/liscenses/regulations/mininum wage all prevent smaller competitors from making it to the big leagues. This happens not because they are "capitalist" it happens because they are "socialist" (statist).
    You are not describing capitalism. You are decribing the outsourcing of labor to non capitalist countries. Which is due to the high cost of labor in the USA.
    no. Thats how greedy buisnessmen survive. Capitalism is just a system that allows people the freedom to be buisnessmen
    No thats not a mechanic of capitalism. That is a mechanic of corperatism. Thanks to the government you dont have many choices.

    In a capitalist country wallmart wouldnt survive. This is because no one would protect wallmart when the people revolt
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  18. In a capitalist country, wallmart would have its own army.  Then the wallmart army might form a coalition with the costco army in order to streamline their defense forces and save a little bit of money.  And so on.
  19. But in such a state the people have the power.

    When the "government" has the guns, wallmart still has its private army, they just tell us its our army. We give up our freedom to them.

    Gun control is the worst thing to do to the lower class. Its takes away what little power they actually have, leaving them with nothing but a "vote"

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  20. #60 goober0331, Apr 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2014
    Lol, a fairy tale? There are examples of societies that operated without that centralization of power. Ancient Iceland, Native Americans etc.
    You should give me an example of how if you remove government, how someone can, lets say, create a Federal Reserve and force all inhabitants of that area to abide by that institutions rules, without the "law" by their side

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