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If you were to be brutally honest about why you toke....

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by andy85258, Mar 27, 2014.

  1. So seasoned stoners, ive been thinking alot about why i have kept on the mj for the past few years and ive finally felt compelled to ask here about why some of you other blades still like toking it up after all this time.  
    Id say for me it's because bud is one of the few things in life which gives me real joy anymore  :(  and fuck anyone who thinks im wrong for it.  
    What about all of you?

  2. Medicinal benefits, only reason I ever started or continue to, yeah highs fun but so what, i only do it to help me breathe better n for pain /appetite stimulation n help sleep,plus every other medical effect like helping to control blood suger it just helps everything overall

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  3. asthma, stomach pain, cant sleep, cant eat...actually i might just be making excuses to smoke. fuck it...i smoke cuz i love weed. thats the brutal honest truth. haha

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  4. #4 kbblaze420, Mar 27, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
    Smoking makes almost everything better. Before I started smoking i was having panic attacks on the regular and had some issues with my temper. Since I've been smoking I haven't had panic attacks and I definitely feel like I'm in control of my anger. It's honestly shown me another side to myself and I've found out I'm a very loving, caring, and empathetic person. I'm more open to trying new things, and nowadays since I'm not as hot headed & confrontational, I've developed some pretty awesome friendships.
    Bob Marley said when you smoke herb it reveals you to yourself & I couldn't agree with him more.

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  5. Started and still smoke to get high it just so happens to also helps with some medical problems I have too which is a plus

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  6. It helps me center myself. Makes my arthritis ridden hands feel good. Less social anxiety. Stress relief. Enhances life in general.
    And I love that you don't get hangovers, can't get poisoned or OD. It's natural, basically like an apple. Would you stop eating apples if they were illegal?? Hell no
  7. True that! Always had problems with my anger. Anger isnt even in my vocab when in toasted. And open to trying new things? Like anal?! ;)

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  8. Lmao!! I'm open to trying anything once

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  9. giggity

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  10. I started 2 years back since I was bored and always sick fell in love with the herb and use everyday if I have it but been dry for past week and leaving out of state to work with uncle and he asked that if I come I don't do it so I respect him and will be putting it down for a month :( but for me the herb when used at night is fun an the next day I always feel good after sleeping and a lot more mellow I also have anger issues sometimes. But to be brutally honest it cuz it's one of the very few things that brings me joy

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  11. I have serious stomach problems like if I don't eat before my stomach starts doing that weird noise it does, then if I try to eat it gets digested right away. And also say I eat at 12:00pm I'll get hungry again at 2:00pm even if I stuff my face and pig out. But Marry J helps me to eat and stay full when I'm full. It also relaxes me if I get mad or feel over stressed. And it's also the best come down and a really fun high!
  12. if your sad about not being able to use the herb mon than maybe it's good you stop for a that month, make some money put some aside for Marry J when you get back and don't use it to just try to feel enjoyment, you gotta find enjoyment without Marry J and then every so often use Marry J to enhance the enjoyed moment. Like for example I love watching movies, ima movie watcher. Not all the time but sometimes when me and my friends go to movies we roll up and smoke the blunt on the way to the movie so we can watch it high haha. And also I can't smoke for 10 weeks, I want too also but I can't so, yes, it does suck 100% but Staying sober is okay, and I have a new bong that I got so what I'm looking forward too is that day I can roll up an pack my new bong to get medicated again :) but don't be down about not having Marry J mon. Use the effects and see the world it has shown you so that way when your working you ca enjoy the work(even if it sucks) and enjoy everything around you because Marry J has opened many of our minds to a new way of life.

    I hope this helped you out to make you feel better mon!
  13. You're like..the female version of me..whoa 
  14. I just love gettin buzzed up lol. It doesn't seem to really change my personality or anything. I'm a wise cracking ass hat regardless. Everything's better with a buzz imo
  15. It's how I deal with the bullshit in my life.
  16. Because it makes the fear and sick intrusive thoughts go away.
  17. "Bob Marley said..."
  18. Then we should be best friends

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  19. Inb4 it's really a man with a female avatar

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  20. It makes me feel some type of way, mellows me out .

    Knome sayin'?

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