Transcendence - April 18

Discussion in 'Movies' started by SlowMo, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. The movie Transcendence is opening in the US and China on April 18. Looks to me like it might be pretty decent. What do ya think?

  2. I'm definitely gonna watch it. He's a giant supercomputer and he tries to take over the world and shit happens. The movie has a really great cast so I can't wait to see it :smoke:
  3. johnny depp hasnt made a good movie since donnie brasco and blow but ill see this at the dollar theater if it gets good reviews
  4. Before watching Transcendence, make sure you watch this episode of Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman. This episode is titled: Can we resurrect the dead? This episode will absolutely blow your mind, and it deals with the same things in the movie. It mentions how neuroscience says that we are pretty much digital information stored in the synaptic connections within our brain. If we preserve the brain at death, that information that makes us unique are not lost, and could possibly be brought back. The technology to upload someone's consciousness to a computer or robot is maybe too much for today, but 30 years from now? Who knows. Here's the link, if you've never seen the show then you have a lot of mind blowing/trippy shit to catch up on. But here's the resurrect the dead episode:

  5. well its gotten terrible reviews
    looks like this movie will be a huge flop
  6. lol....
  7. 19% on rotten tomatoes and 10 million opening weekend yea huge flop
    shit looked stupid from jump anyway

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