i hope to live to see world catastrophe

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by moabfighter, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Anyone else?

    I think the end is near for mankind. Stuff just seems to be getting worse and worse economically, foreign countries are going crazy, the leaking nuclear plant in Japan. Biggest earthquake to ever hit the States is coming within 10 years...

    I hope to live to see the end of times as we know it.
  2. Haha, me too

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  3. You'll be the first to die op.
  4. depends on what the catastrophe is. if its ww3 and just normal war without nukes then yeah, if its like 2012 the film then fuck no
  5. I will because I'm a 300 year old vampire who dates high school girls.
  6. I'm hoping for something intense. Zombies, extremely bad economy, AIDS outbreak, etc...

    Not a simple zap and poor everythings gone like in Lost.
    i would definitely be game for some zombies or bad economy. you ever seen evacuate earth? on one episode they looked at what would happen rabies became airborne. pretty good stuff, i defo recommend watching that episode
  8. Hahaha nah a disease outbreak is beyond.. im more the alien invasion atleast that way the survivers have some cool stories to tell... or just nuke us and get it over n done with...

    but we all know bad economy leads to pretty much all the above.

    ...Bad economy leads to: a big war fought to try an rebuild the economy.. that fails and leads to years of drugs n bad living- ie the bronx in the 90s worldwide
    No money to pay for medicals- the outbreaks start... only that its 50x stronger than the current viruses Or even a whole new virus takes on....
    after the outbreak starts the sick and ridden will look like zombies- goverment quarentines whole cities..
    Tired of been in constant qaurentine with no hope of a cure the 'diseased' start rallying up...
    Dont forget now before they were sick they all were on big drugs like meth n shit...hasnt changed.... meth+ rage + no offical control = apocalypse.

    Hahaahah more a movie plot but i gaurentee thats how it starts

    Or the government tries to do some whacky experiments on the moon... just like alien series,, all goes wrong and the alien ends up invading earth killing anything and everything....

    Hahah or satan worshippers all try open the gates of hell only for it to backfire and bring hell here.

    Orrrr we could legalise pot worldwide and fuck off anychance of destroying ourselves unless that one ripped cunt sitting there accidently presses nuke all and boooomb baybeeey
  9. Not really any of the mentioned kinds. I am too accustomed to the comforts of my life.
    Now the sun going nova and having my very essence spread across light years in an instant, fuck yeah.
  10. The gigantic volcanic caldera we call Yellowstone Nat Park is gonna blow and cause a nuclear winter...wiping all us sun seekers out....
  11. I'm good for any castatrophes, I'm far away from any huge city(cities are where the first shit storm of cluster fucks would go down). I would have enough time to get ready for the worst haha. Nukes would be awesome especially if the rads legit made mutants, kinda like fallout 3 or fallout Las Vegas that shit would be mad fun, aliens, zombies, mutant people who just want ever everything to die, it would be intense and awesome! XD
  12. No, I prefer peace, and beauty..... Hopefully the worst happens after I'm dead. It's not near the end of mankind... but it's near a "cleansing" phase.
  13. I was secretly hoping 2012 was gonna happen

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  14. As long as I figure out how to time travel again before the day comes I'll have no complaints.

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  15. You're turning me on.

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  16. im sure it's normal for shit to get rocky on this big ass rock from time to time especially with humans on it. doesn't mean a thing but i think it'd be cool to see the end of the world. it would suck but it would be cool
  17. \t“If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe.” - Joe Rogan

    \tShit's bound to happen sooner or later. I'm rooting for Zombies!
  18. I'd be down for zombies or aliens, something i can die like a boss fighting against

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  19. Yeah I want it to be kinda like survival. Aliens or Zombies is ideal. Although, realistically unlikely. I think it'll either be an economy collapse, nuked by a 3rd world country, or the Japan nuclear plant will break beyond fixing. Maybe the earthquake.
    I just think seeing a collapse of mankind would sort of be interesting .. living and dying like people do every day is no fun.
  20. #20 Vicious, Mar 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 24, 2014
    The way I see it is that everybody dies so we would be honored to see the world end. What's the fun in dying alone when we can all go out in a bang together. And when I say end of the world, I mean as we know it. I played Metro and S.T.A.L.K.E.R., we're resilient, like fucking roaches.
    On the flip side I don't wish to see the world burn. We're at a pinicle time never before seen throughout the annals of history. We're at a make or break point in humanity where technology can flourish and push us to evolutionary heights or we'll destroy everything we know.

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