If time slows as you speed, what happens if you stop?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by d4velogic, Mar 23, 2014.

  1. Anyone who's done any academic study of physics will tell you that time slows down as you approach the speed of light. This is true and stated in (i cant remember which one) albert einsteins theories of relativity. We are continuously testing that theory with the use of satellites and it is working. Go Physics :)
    The question i have is this; we spin on the earth which goes round the sun which in turn goes around the SMBH at the centre of our galaxy. We, travelling through time at 1 second per second have already had our time slowed down, so what speed would it go if we stopped completely? 
    Personally, i think time would travel at the speed of light - what that means i don't know but it seems logical... 

  2. You'd probably die.. If you age slower when you go faster, it'd make sense that you age faster when you go slower. Thing is, you'd have to leave the galaxy to test it. Even if you stop Earth from rotating, it's still orbiting the Sun. If you halt it's orbiting around the Sun, the Sun is still moving within the galaxy. If you stop the Sun, it's still inside a galaxy that's hurtling through space (and time) at hundreds of millions of miles per hour..
  3. #4 Modality, Mar 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 23, 2014
    In relativity theory, you can only talk of your speed relative to some other inertial reference frame. Hence, it is really not meaningful to ask what were to happen if we were to "stop". You need to specify with respect to what? If you mean, for example, relative to the black hole in the center of the milky way galaxy, then nothing really would happen other than effects on the Earth's orbit. This is because there is no such thing as a preferred reference frame in relativity.
  4. ^This a million times
  5. Have to say relative to another system. Every system has it's own future and past. We all have, to a very high precision, the same past and future on earth because our speeds relative to one another are nowhere near the speed of light. Modality has it right as well. There's always an instantaneous inertial reference frame ( reference frame at an instant in time that is not accelerating) in which two systems may be related by. 
  6. just watch this... :smoking:
  7. Can time exist as a concept at all then? Surely it is therefore just a representation of the difference in momentum of two objects? 
    Reference Frame:
    Space is completely empty apart from me and you.
    you are completely still in space, your inertia and kinetic energy levels are 0.
    I circle around you (ignore angular physics for now) at 99% the speed of light.
    relatively, your time will travel faster than mine.
    You will see my clock slow.
    Will i see your clock speed up? if so, to what speed? 
    Personally i find it odd the 'relative to another object' thing, i mean, we have never ever tested a completely still molecule etc to see if it stops decaying etc. We have never even seen what happens should an object slow any more than negligibly. If for example we stop moving completely, will light travel at this constant of 3x10^8 m/s, If we take that to be true, could uit solve our problem of not having enough energy in the universe? 
    I havent smoked a biff yet this evening so i apologise for the strange wording of the question.
  8. i dont think you can create those conditions outside absolute zero can you? even in space the molecules dont really STOP in that sense do they?
  9. in aa space with no matter it probably would be absolute zero i know what you mean though
  10. If you stop you die. Our bodies are in constant molecular motion. To competely stop all bodily functions would cease to continue.

    Pretty much we turn into a pancake, or disintegrate!

    Woohoo science!!

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  11. disintegration is far from complete stoppage.
  12. Your right, my bad. Im more of an arm chair phycisist. Particle physics isn't my cup of tea.

    Sent from my SPH-D710 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  13. If time slows as you speed ,and you suddenly stop then time will speed back up until at normal speed again.
  14. If I'm on a spaceship moving close to the speed of light I can see how my watch might move slower than someone's on earth. However this is surely an issue with my watch not time itself?
    If we had a fixed stationary point in the universe and measure all time by a perfect clock at that point would this not give us a constant measure of time ? I could fly around at speeds close to the speed of light but have a clock that adjust itself based on my speed. As I approach the speed of light the clock counts faster giving me an accurate reading of the actual time based upon that fixed point.
    I also find the idea of time travel ridiculous. Of course time travel exists in that we move forward through time but that rate is fixed.
    Even Einstein conceded you can't go back in time.
    Saying that going close to the speed of light causes you to travel faster into the future seems silly. Surely your just moving and perceiving slower relative to everything else? That is, as you(a collection of matter and energy) moves faster the matter and energy within you is moving slower. This may create the illusion of everything else going faster but does not actually make it so?
  15. Hammer Time!

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