8,350.00 per night on a room at a hotel

Discussion in 'Politics' started by letsmokeasweet, Mar 22, 2014.

  1. Excellent reply! Way to put me in my place! Lol

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  2. Shit I didn't care eight years ago
    I was out partying all night. Drinking, smoking weed and Fucking as many bitches I can.

    Besides, I remember the biggest complaint the media had on bush's lifestyle was him starting the day early and spending all his vacations in Crawford
  3. It pretty typical of all the First Ladies, you would probably be rather disgusted at any or all of their purchases and lavish stays in different countries and the like...I don't agree with any of it, but at least admit that if you were leader of the free worlds "ol' lady" you too would want to be pampered beyond belief. It is especially disheartening to hear about expenditures like this amidst military cut backs and other things that could and have been very beneficial to this country. Again, I too am sickened by the government as a whole and their over spending and under budgeting, but there is little to nothing we can do as a people to make things better I'm afraid, you vote the next one in with his/her "promises" only to be let down once again by yet another politician....don't forget, it doesn't matter how nice, black, or woman, what ever we end up with is still a politician and still born to lie.

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    Godamn dude, preach it brotha!
  5. It's like I get that your saying that she has a right to live lavishly because she is First Lady
    When I think of my president and First Lady, I think of them as my leader of my country

    One way to lead is to lead by example...of course that is my option, everyone has their leadership styles and I respect that

    Shit is not good in our country. A lot of people are fighting everyday to make it. They are struggling.
    Obama ran, among other lines, as someone who is a common person, fighting for the average everyday lower class worker. That is who ihe identifies himself with. Well, he implies that anyways

    When I think of democrat I think of poor people representive
    Republican is the rich people's representive
    I know that isn't true....and that's not how things really are, but still
    If you are going to say that you are for the poor people and you hate the rich, don't stay at Martha's Vineyard with the elite.
    Don't stay at 8500 a night rooms
    Wtf, some people work their ass all fucking year long in america and they don't even get 8500.

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