How Christians Can Establish Justice With Legal Marijuana

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by nhorsley, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. This is gonna go over well with the atheists :laughing:
  2. If Christians need some extra justification to support legalization, go for it (I only skimmed the article), we need all the support we can get.

    We have gained too much momentum as of late to fail now we need every person we can, to support the movement
  3. I challenged a bible thumping zealot to show just where in his bible it said pot was a sin but alcohol and tobacco were ok,,,he walked off in a huff, never came back to class, I assume he is still trying to find the passage saying so, but it's been over 35 years... :bongin:
    Shouldn't telling the truth be more then enough reason for any christian to be against illegal marijuana? Isn't lying a sin? :confused_2:
  4. #5 Galaxy420, Mar 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2014
    the ability to tell a lie from truth comes into question???? being lied to and believing it forms a "well it worked yesterday" attitude while forgetting tomorrow is a new day with new opportunity
  5. Look no further than the bible, herbs, seed bearing plants and whatnot
  6. Yes, they holy anointment oil as well.

    Myrrh, cinnamon and good old high grade kaneh-bosom , saturated and extracted into extra virgin olive oil. A lot of the healing stories have been attributed to that oil. Myrrh and cinnamon are very very pharmacologically active.
  7. There are some problems with today's religious folks: Seeing cannabis in the same view as alcohol (alcohol is allowed, getting drunk is not, my conviction is that alcohol makes you lose control of your entire self, cannabis doesn't), preacher followers and organization worshippers rather than worshippers of God alone (Jesus told the samaritan woman that the Father seeks those who worship Him in spirit and truth), and the only scripture that is a challenge to justify not using cannabis is not because of God himself or the Bible, but check Romans 13(submission to governing authorities). It is my opinion that Christianity in the U.S. is dying because of greed, as the religion itself is a way to earn lots of money tax free. God's Church is not a denomination or a temple, but the body of Christ (those who have been born of water and spirit as Jesus told Nicodemus as Jesus is the way, the truth and the life). There is a difference between faith and religion, and there is very little faith and lots of religion. The article above is great, there are many more scriptures in the Bible that speak about freedom in Christ, and all things have a purpose, the problem is when we are mastered by anything other than God. Until the laws are changed, most (especially the older christian generation) will continue supporting these unfair laws. But I am seeing a trend with a lot of baby boomer christians and young christians supporting reformation of these laws. And if you want to see how messed up is the religious authorities, you should take a look at the history of the Christian church (very eye openning).
  8. not directed at you 00H - how times have been manipulated and how much people believe anything the enforcers say because they must know best- always looking over everybody and all. Ask for yourselves and get the answer, the guy over there does not have your answer and the dumbass is not asking his own questions because he's to blind dictating other peoples lives and blocking them from asking their own questions. the second you block someone from their own answer your answer goes right out the window..
  9. #10 Mr. President, Apr 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2014
    Please don't act that way towards people that have faith. People are brain washed. He doesn't think weed is bad because of his faith. He thinks its bad because that's what he's been told and (wrongly) uses his faith to try and justify it even more.

    I'm no bible scholar but I can tell you that I believe in Creation. Which means Marijuana was CREATED. And I also know that every living organism on this planet has purpose, including Cannabis. And Cannabis' purpose is for healing.

    The bible does say that your body is the temple of Christ. Inhaling smoke of any kind is NOT good for your body. It might not be as bad comparing it to other things, but its still.... bad. Well its a good thing you don't have to smoke Cannabis to take advantage of its medicinal properties, isn't it?

    This goes for alcohol, or cigarettes, or swearing. Ignorant to ask someone "Well show me the verse where it says you shouldn't swear or how about alcohol, Jesus drank wine didn't he?" Well there isn't a verse that says anything about cigarettes. But they are bad for you. And they kill 400,000 people a year. The bible says choose life. Smoking cigarettes isn't a healthy lifestyle. Yes Jesus drank wine. But he didn't consciously make a trip to the saloon everyday after doing miracles and get hammered. Wine, like Cannbais, is GOOD FOR YOU. BUT TOO MUCH WINE, LIKE TOO MUCH CANNABIS IS. NOT. GOOD. Too much of anything isn't good...

    I hope maybe I shed some light for you lol
  10. Or here is a thought......
  11. That's kinda a loose model.

  12. Why? They coincide with prophesy.
  13. "...loose model" would require some defining before any one on earth except people who could read your mind would know what you were talking about.  Fact is, many Christians have responded to the web site, and even those who found it offensive had no trouble understanding the Biblical exegesis that I claim proves the God of the Bible made marijuana a good thing--as long as people do not take what God created to be good and turn it into a source of evil.
  14. It is impossible to take religion, or more precisely the focus of religion--God--out of anything, especially human interactions called politics.  After all, god is just a word that refers to whatever a speaker thinks controls everything.  Even when people think they've taken God out of anything, all they've done is rejected some definition of God and substituted for that definition of God another god, one of their own choosing.  They've never eliminated the idea that some thing controls everything.  Even atheists end up defining reality as if they think something controls everything.  Today, chance or randomness is the atheist's operative god.  So it always has been with people, so it always will be, that reason cannot operate outside the context of some structuring causal explanation for reality.  That's why all people have always had something they called god.  So when you start dictating for us to KEEP RELIGION THE FUCK OUT OF POLITICS!!!!!!!!!!! you prove you're ate up with a terminal case of the dumbass and presently without hope in this world or the world  to come.
  15. I'm wondering where the directive is on how Christians can use this article to enact justice. Demand people subscribe to the New Testament? Well, I demand people stop subscribing to prohibition, but they're still following it.
    I love the notion all is good in God, but that matters little to the evil persons who propagate prohibition on our existences. "In God We Trust" is on their money and that's all that matters to them.
  16. good stuff i enjoyed the article
  17. or maybe I use logic to dictate my thought process, not hopes, dreams and bubblegum....

  18. So you're saying that you have Faith in your thought process.
  19. Thank you!
    I agree 100%

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