My first drug test

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by struggler_guts, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Just got a job and have to get drug tested, its the first job that's actually bother to do the testing and I was notified with a 24 hour time limit to do the test. Im just logging down the info for other people's reference.
    I am
    Average build/slim
    Smoke every day multiple times, atleast 3 bowls
    So of course no more smoking, I start drinking approx. 8 oz of water every 15 min. I go out and buy aspirin, creatine, vitamin b12, and a first check home test kit from CVS.
    I immediately take 3 creatine pills (1 serving), then after about 30 min of more water I take 2 aspirin (I got advanced bayer 500mg, 2 is max for six hours). I'll continue drinking water for the next 6 hours and maybe take some b12 (since its really just for the coloring, I believe) and then test myself. I will post the results, then decide what to do from there and eventually will post what I do and what the results are of the test tomorrow.

  2. not gonna work man, just sub if you really need this job why gamble trying to "detox", i was just surprised with a random swab test at work smoked the morning of and passed no later than 3 hours after smoking, thought it was going to be a urine test
    ive read good reviews on "quick fix" synthetic urine so i bought a 3oz bottle for emergencys, if you cant get quick fix find a clean buddy willing to donate for you, im not going to ramble on but theres a few good threads if you google how to substitute for a drug test, and oh remember TEMP TEMP TEMP

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