Can there be concepts without language?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by jayfoxpox, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. idk, thats something i often wonder. i think the human mind would still operate fine, but on a much more basic level. i think thoughts would be harder to relate to other thoughts.
  2. Yes. Dogs and cats make up concepts all the time. Or do we define their barking as a language? In which case, no. But if I change the meaning of language, or that the meaning of language can be this variable, certainly plants must also develop concepts. To which I say, sweeeet.  :smoke:
  3. without language yes, but without some form of communication probably not. theres no reason aliens couldnt be telepathic. 
  4. Yes. An animal could concepualize something as a feeling, picture, smell, sound combo of some sort.
    Rats perceive something called "smound" which is sounds and smells influencing each other to produce some other kind of perception.
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  5. The one that is born to think may set their symbolisms and inner most births of inspiration upon the world.
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  6. Is it the same with birds of the same kind building nests that are different....the concept is a nest, but they all go about it differently with different materials..
  7. #8 Boats And Hoes, Mar 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2014
    Depends on what you mean by "concept"? For you really could just be asking if it's possible for there to be a nephew without an uncle.
    So, what do you think a 'concept' is? For starters, a recollection of some sort?
  8. What isnt a concept?
  9. Let's ask the same question a different way! What can a concept not be?

    Жизнь коротка, так жить в самом полном объеме
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  10. On my mobile but was poorly worded. The concept of "what" :) i like it.
  11. Not for us, we can make so many different sounds with our mouths that it's just human nature to create concrete concepts by bookmarking them with certain sounds or gestures. It just continues to evolve until it's a language, whether it's spoken with words, gestures, or we can figure it out, thought
  12.  Of all of our inventions for mass communication, pictures still speak the most universally understood language.~Walt Disney
    \nAnd then there is 'A picture is worth a thousand words' -Not sure
    \nVisual info in some situations may even be better than language.
  13. Everything is concept. Everything is language.

    One thing inspires countless concepts. Each concept inspires further more concepts. Language is our communication of concepts, since all things are concepts, all things are language.
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  14. Yeah, I believe so. Our words are never that important anyways.
    I bored so who cares. Yes they can and now  eg  :bongin:  and would of been one the unspoken concepts of our evolution.
  16. Basically, yes.

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