trained too hard, what to do?help

Discussion in 'Plant Training' started by mexican mafia, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. I have four whiteberry clones under a 400 watt metal halide bulb in a 2.5'x3.5' closet. they are now about ten weeks old, three feet tall and take up the entire space of the closet width wise, I trained a couple branches on each plant and they responded very well until I noticed one of my babies that had her only four branches trained, one out to each side. she is starting too split down the middle so I staked the two branches back up but now one is wilting and yellowing, should I take this branch off too save the rest of the plant or see if it will grow healthy? if I leave it could it kill the rest of the plant? or will the wilting part just die and fall off leaving the rest of the plant intact?
  2. Stick the split back together a duct tape it just like you would a cut on you finger, this is of course if it hadn't dried up where it split
  3. As mentioned, duct tape or electrical tape.
    These plants are amazing and can heal from some of the most grevous damage.

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