Weirdest thing youve seen while smoking

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by radzack1, Mar 8, 2014.

  1. how rude.

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  2. In NYC me and my best friend saw some lady power walking with a helmet on

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  3. So, not many experiences here sadly. But I it seems like EVERY time I'm outside at night smoking there are always these groups of black cats that like to bug me out and just walk fucking everywhere in front of me and being loud at it too. Talk about bad luck. 
  4. One time I was lighting up in the backyard and a UFO of some sort flew right over my house, it was either huge or only like 50ish feet up from the houses. I'm not assuming it was or was not an alien. But since I live in the SF Bay Area I've also considered it was some kind of secret high tech helicopter type thing from google or one of those companies.

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  5. I smoked then rode my bike to work, on my way back home I almost ran over a dead puppy on someone's lawn. I thought I was tripping balls, as if the dog was laying flat in front of me. Few seconds later, one of the people who lived there came out and saw what I was looking at. I was trying to stay calm and look sober, I guess I passed since he didn't realize.
    I don't know why, but I enjoy munching on the grass of my lawn when I'm super baked.
  6. #46 spliffhitter77, Aug 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 5, 2014
    I got really high and went for a 3 mile bike ride just now..Whoah mutha fucka my niggz..... Whoah. Must have been the adrenaline combined with the cannabanoids cuz a couple signs were temporary pedestrians and or other creatures in a blur. My sativa induced mind is fun :) it was a friendly trip. I enjoy my smoke and my rides. Like I see things like small trees and signs that appear to be someone out of my peripheral vision and mind you I ride at 15 mph consistently so images may appear slightly different than walking. Ritghtz? . .? So anyways this big Brazilian guy "I thinks" wearing a blue and white hawaiin shirt decides walking 4 dogs in The Mall parking lot is a good idea! It's busy as fuck nd there is cars everywhere moving about. DafuQ MANG!!! So that leaves me only one lane and I am still going fast so I try to squeeze past on the left. "He does not see me yet".. But suddenly All dogs cut left! So I immediately counter right hard. I mean I had to lean the bike on this one lol.... And bolted out of the parking lot finally.. Lolz...

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  7. My sister and my friend and I were smoking in the woods waiting for our other friend to come find us, and after a while we started yelling her name and every time we yelled her name we hears a loud clapping coming from the woods so we figured it was her trying to mess with us. We kept getting closer to the sound and eventually saw a man running towards us and we started sobering up a little bit thinking he would know we were high. He must have been on something cuz when we yelled our friends name, he clapped really loud and then laughed and ran off down a random path. No one has ever seen him before and we Haven't found him since. I'm from a really little town where everyone Knows everyone, so it's weird that we can't find him...

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  8. My friends and I were outside smoking late at night and a low flying helicopter with blue and red lights passed by....To this day my friend claims he saw a police car in the sky. Haha.

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  9. One time I was in my car at the grocery store and I had just lit my bowl and I looked over to the side out the window and a motorcyclist pulled out a mysterious item, he then proceeded to snort this just moments before he left to drive, pretty funny at the time looking back now kinda a crazy mother fucker lolol

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  10. On the beach I Saw a 3 metre wave come crashing down on this girl smoking a bowl haha
    So much weird stuff happens when you're high. If only I could remember all of the crazy moments haha

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  11. This one time I heard traditional Chinese music coming from a corner in my room
  12. I was stoned at Wal Mart at 1 AM and I saw a giant shit on the floor in the toilet paper isle...

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