I do not fear death?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by Grandsouls, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. #1 Grandsouls, Mar 5, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 5, 2014
    When I tell people I really don't care if I die, they think I am insane. But I really don't I honestly kind of look forward to the day I die.
    I never really felt like I fit in this world, I just don't feel proper, never ever felt belonging, and never longed for companionship, or love from others etc..Thus I kind of look forward to when I die, to leave this world, and go home.
    Anyone else feel this way..?
    Not to say, I want to kill myself or anything, I plan on enjoying this life as much as I can and learn and gain experience. But really don't think I belong here,  nor do I really want to be here, I have traveled etc, does not excite me much. I don't know, maybe I am just a cold heart, un-exciting person. I feel like all my beliefs are looked down upon and people dislike the way I want to be. The way I communicate with people, the way I act etc. People say I am insecure etc and antisocial. I AM NOT I never actually feel awkward interacting with people, I am just really quiet, lots of head nods, and quiet speech, I strongly believe its better to listen then talk, and its better not to talk if you have nothing to say, then spew bullshit to people to act like you know what they are talking about. Its just the way I am. I am really relaxed person and idk..
    And like death etc, people get sad when people die, I really don't, I miss them but I am not sad they died, its fine they went to a different world now.. I am just going to stop giving examples now because I could go on and on..
    ANYONE Else feel like you just don't fit in with the world..?
    Perhaps I just have not found anyone that understands my fucked up mind lol.
    Pass it on brotha ; )


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  2. Haven't read anything sounding like the perspective of a fucked up mind.
    Don't fit in with the world you say? What world is that then? The world you experience is whatever you want it to be. Only problem would be trying to fit into someone else's idea of what that is.
  3. Most people feel this way at some point.

    Sux that by thinking youre different you find out how alike you are to everyone else. Read so many threads exactly like this one on these forums and talked to countless people that said the same thing irl.

    Nobody should fear death. Wont change a thing. Its inevitable.

    Good that youve accepted reality.
  4. "Why should I fear death? If I am, death is not. If death is, I am not. Why should I fear that which can only exist when I do not?"
    - Epicurus
  5. #5 TinTizzy, Mar 6, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 6, 2014
    I dont fear it but it definitely sucks when you're told you could die
    • Like Like x 1
  6. Bro i feel almost exactly the same way

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  7. #7 fruitality, Mar 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2014
    you dont think you belong in the world because you dont have a strong sense of identity and you dont have a "TRUE" perspective of your role in the universe.
    the most enlightened man would know himself perfectly, and know his exact role in his universe. thus he is fully conscious.
    you are in a state of unconsciousness.
    Agreed. It's a wasted life that is spent contemplating a certain end, instead of living an uncertain life.
  9. No fear of death signifies you are a strong soul. Shall you give up on this journey of life or will you continue to grow, to find new challenges, learn new things, experience states of higher awareness. Major growth can be had in social experiences when truths are told with no fear of judgement. What others dislike in you is what you dislike in yourself. I am you and you are me. Change your perception of truth, change your reality. 
  10. What's the point of fearing something that is inevitable? Pointless
  11. lol, you need a hug or some shit.  most people will tell you they aren't afraid to die...up until moment they whole heartedly believe their gonna die. fool.
  12. Your cool in my book, keep doing your thing. It is better to be misunderstood than to be completely understood. What cards would you be able to play if everyone seen your hand from the get-go?
  13. I'm so scared of dying. I'd be willing to kill someone completely innocent if it would save my life. 
  14. I'm not scared to die at all, unless it's painful of course. but I feel like I wouldn't suffer any more.
  15. Im not scared of death either. When the time comes, I will embrace it.  I'm extremely curious as to what happens after.  If you and your consciousness disappear forever, then so be it.  It will be an eternal, peaceful sleep.  No stress, No worries.
    Why fear something that is and always will be. If you do you will always be in a life of fear, thus not allowing you to be free. If you do not fear ( Social, spiritual, physical, etc..) then you are free, and there for wining in life.
    That is my take, if I do fear death once I finally am dieing, then that is fine, but if I live life not fearing it, it is one more thing not to have on the back of my mind.
    To call someone a fool so quickly, is rude. You should reconsider the way you think, so quick to say what is on your mind, seems well foolish.
  17. The failure of humanity reflects us so because we are humans. Indirectly so it effects us.
  18. This thread title reminds me of....

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