How can i recover my wax from the water in my oil rig setup?

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by GreatDekuTree, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Don't throw your piece in the microwave. Throw the ISO in the microwave for about 15 seconds that you are using to clean. Then poor it Into the bong. Idk about that guy but I'm not throwing my $550 bong Into a microwave.

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  2. Run hot water through it and pour it through a coffee filter, then just scrape up the wax left on the filter

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  3. Ok, so this is an old thread, but I joined this site just to post this. Everyone on here has been correct (except ISO reclaim IS worth saving.) The process you want to use has almost been completely covered. If you're trying to smoke or consume your reclaim, settle for nothing less than 91% ISO (even that's a little low.) If you're just dumping the mixture, 91% will dissolve everything perfectly fine.

    Begin by placing a Pyrex pan (preferably the one you use to blast into) on top of a skillet or large pot that has a good amount of water in it. The idea is that if the water was boiling, it wouldn't be hitting the bottom of the Pyrex pan, just steaming directly on to the bottom of the pan. Put a medium high heat and walk away to allow time boil as you clean your rig.

    Now I have a small rig, so I can just pour a small amount into it and block the hole for the nail and shake it up, works perfectly. I also use a domeless TI, so I don't have to mess with extra glass. If you have a dome or any other small pieces you can't wash inside the piece itself, or if your piece is too complicated to clean out of a baggie, put these into the corner of SEPERATE plastic bags (as small a bag as the piece will fit in.) Now pour as little ISO as you can possibly use (I'll explain briefly) and seal that thing tight and shake like crazy, making sure to keep the piece in the corner. Once the piece is clean, remove it while keeping the mix in the corner you used; set this aside in this position for each bag. A simple water wash and lint less towel wipe down to each piece will clean them sufficiently.

    Ok, so we have baggies ( and possibly a rig, if small enough) full of ISO/oil mix. (FYI: You can clean out your oil dishes with this ISO/oil mix and dissolve the oil residue off of that into it. Use as little as possible and don't use fresh ISO!!! Use the mix you already have.) Now here is the part where I do something differently. Remember that pot of water with the Pyrex pan? By now the pan should be hot. We're going to pour that mix into the hot pan while its still above the boiling water to purge it. This is the exact purging method I use after I've blasted my flowers and all the butane has dissipated into the air. It's a very natural, smooth purge, and your oil pan is kept a perfect distance away from open flame, even if you used a skillet.

    If you're OCD like me, then you'll hate scraping oil of the edges of your Pyrex. Well for this, I have a solution for you. The reason we got the pan so hot in the first place is because when you pour that mix into the pan, the edges of it are immediately going to start evaporating due to the heat, leaving behind that gooey goodness. If you pour small amounts of the mix in and roll it around the middle while keeping it above the water (wear oven mitts!!!), it will evaporate very quickly, while keeping the oil in the middle where it's easy to scrape! Just slowly add small pools of mix as the old pools fully evaporate (for the baggies, I discovered that cutting the corner of the bag that you didn't shake the mix in and then tipping the mix to that side of the bag controls the flow easier.)
    The reason I told you to use as little ISO as possible and to use the already mixed ISO to clean your dish is because you want this mix to be as concentrated as possible. The more ISO used, the more taste you'll lose from the final product, and it'll take even longer to make that finished product. Once you have finished all the mix, turn everything off and wipe the bottom of your Pyrex down on a towel (careful this pan is HOT!) Allow this pan to cool to room temp (or cool enough to touch comfortably.)

    You're now ready to scrape and enjoy that still potent goo! Now I always put a solid, bright white towel on top of your lap under the Pyrex when I scrape, whether I've just blasted it reclaimed. This allows you to completely see all of that oil so you don't miss a drop of hard work.

    Any questions, please reply, I'm always glad to answer them. I hope this helps, and I hope it gets a few people to try my purging method if they haven't. It's noob and common sense, but it's very nice and good for people who do t have time to vacuum purge.
    Happy medicating people!!!
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  5. Amen lmao some of these methods are ridiculous hot water works just fine!, What do you typically catch the reclaim in? Pyrex is my choice, but a little hard to drain
  6. This is basically what I do but I don't mind if the edges get oil on it. What I do is after its evaporated fully I'll add coconut oil to it. I turn down the heat and let the coco oil and Cana oils mix together for awhile. Then pour into a separate container for storage. This way is awesome as you can use it in almost every food. I love a teaspoon in my espresso in the morning. Good way to start the day. Also I do this for my blast dishes as well and save that ISO. Also anything you blast save it and do an ISO run with it. Let it sit for an hour though and don't freeze anything. You'll want it nice and green. This will extract any remaining goodness as well as chlorophyll which is healthy to eat. Doing all this if you blast what you smoke you'll have more then enough cocooil to constantly have edibles. I love how with bho you can recycle everything into amazingly potent and good edibles.
  7. This is basically what I do but I don't mind if the edges get oil on it. What I do is after its evaporated fully I'll add coconut oil to it. I turn down the heat and let the coco oil and Cana oils mix together for awhile. Then pour into a separate container for storage. This way is awesome as you can use it in almost every food. I love a teaspoon in my espresso in the morning. Good way to start the day. Also I do this for my blast dishes as well and save that ISO. Also anything you blast save it and do an ISO run with it. Let it sit for an hour though and don't freeze anything. You'll want it nice and green. This will extract any remaining goodness as well as chlorophyll which is healthy to eat. Doing all this if you blast what you smoke you'll have more then enough cocooil to constantly have edibles. I love how with bho you can recycle everything into amazingly potent and good edibles.
  8. Empty your piece out. Fill it with rubbing alcohol as if you were to clean it. Let the piece sit for a a couple days to a week. Pour the rubbing alcohol out of your piece through a coffee filter to eliminate any excess crap. Pour contents neatly onto a slick pad. Now let that solution sit for a week- 2 weeks. You want all of the rubbing alcohol to evaporate from your reclaim before you dab it. Once it's fully purged feel free to dab reclaim.

    On a side note you can bug a drop down and extraction of reclaim is much easier and your piece does not get dirty.

    Hope this helps

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  9. the piece sitting in alcohol for days on end is super excessive unless you are trying to get stains out
  10. Let the piece sit for about a day***

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  12. idk about these microwave ideas but this is what you do.

    dump out the water
    fill with 91% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. not too much...just enough where if you shake it it'll get all the sides but will not pour of the rig.
    once all the wax has mixed in with alcohol. pour it out onto a big flat plate. set fire to the alcohol in a safe environment, and wait for it to burn. you will be left with all your wax. it wont burn away the wax, just the alocohol.
  13. That is beyond gnarly

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  14. I’ve noticed that everyone here in the comments became extremely toxic, I spent a minute setting up a profile so that I could share what I have seen.

    my friends used hang there pieces or swing them in a big circular arm motion in an open space to clear out any water, bowl out as much as they could, at this point the glass pieces would be dirty, I’m talking weeks to months dirty , All from wax residue, after they got their piece as dry as they could, they would blast their pieces out with butane into a Pyrex glass dish, they would then take the dish over to the stove where they had a shallow pot of boiling water, they would place that pyrex dish into the boiling water. (They mentioned it was a low temp. Boil) at this point they would take a pointy utensil and whip the puddle of butane and wax until the bubbles rest. You gotta feel it don’t do it too long To burn the cana. Content and don’t do it to short to not bubble out all the butane.

    Use highly refined butane 11-12x

    it produces a pure product, butane can also be blasted over crushed dry herb in a metal alloy cylindrical cone with 2 coffee filters over the bottom end and a rubber band. This will produce a purer liquid than the reclaim product and the same process of low temp. Double boiling can be replicated for a fine end product.

    hope this helps stay informed stay lifted

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