Pakalolos Organics For The Win

Discussion in 'Organic Grow Journals' started by Pakalolo, Feb 26, 2014.

  1. Mite treatments should be done while plants are small, whether you have mites or not.
    They are easily handled and real easy to hold up and spray well.
    My plants are all sprayed at each transplant as part of a routine.
    Mild deleafings during veg is also recommended.
    The more you have your face in your plant the lessor the chance of getting mites.
    Hell I see mites, but I catch them early, remove a few leaves, then follow up.
    So just like getting your kids and pets vaccinations, you do it to keep them from getting ill, not to treat an illness.
    Due diligence and routine keeps the garden clean

  2. Pak said without predatory insects or sprays is why I asked. Sure I spray them early as well but continue with a routine.
    Prevention is definitely the key. 
  3. That is the weirdest mutation ive ever seen..

    Speaking of mutations but didnt you keep a variegated* clone of GG at one point? I think it was you, Pak... jw but were the hairs ever yellow? I've been told stories about a strain called purple wheel chair that has yellow hairs. Heard is a bid word there btw

    "Fortune Favors The Bold"- Virgil's-Green-Adventure
  4. #1524 Pakalolo, Dec 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2014
    My other friend is SG1 and he just watches for them and squishes them if he finds any on them. He does this early in the plants life. Once you've eradicated the mites when the plants are babies or tweeners then you don't see them when they're teenagers and ladies.
    I haven't had any mites myself since last spring. I haven't had any PM in about 3-4 months. I rarely see fungus gnats and I think I have come with a solution to them too.
    It's all a matter of keeping a clean environment and following that up with diligence on watching for trouble. I'm not at the point yet where I'm willing to forgo my IPM but I'm not using spinosad or serenade at the moment. I'm just using the NPA spray.
    EDIT: Didn't see SG1's post before I wrote this. I guess I just reinforced what he said.
  5. #1525 Pakalolo, Dec 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 16, 2014
    I still have the variegated Goblin Girl. The one I took too far into the yellow last June is still alive but growing very slowly. She is with the tweeners. I have another that is in the the teenagers that I just transplanted into a 5 gallon pot. Maybe I'll get some pictures later today.
    I never had yellow pistils. Only the flowers were yellow. When they were cured the yellow was almost invisible compared to how bright it was during flowering.
    You can see that the pistils look normal.
    If the yellow portion stays around 30% then it isn't bad and doesn't effect the growth of the plant. If it is more than that then the growth is really slowed down. The plant needs the green to grow. I tried to take a cutting to the extreme in yellow and it slowed down the growth. I'll get some pictures up today or tomorrow. I've got a required meeting to attend at work so I may not get home in time to take the pictures before the lights go off.
  7. I barely got home in time to get some pictures but I did get some. I took this cutting on June 29 but it came off my outdoor Goblin Girl that I was calling a coleus hybrid. Into October I still wasn't sure if she would live or die. I transplanted her into a gallon pot on October 10. So you can see she is still growing but not very fast. You can see she has lots of yellow leaves but there is a branch there I'm watching and will probably take a cutting of it and turn her back to a viable amount (about 30%) of yellow. The yellow leaves tend to die off more often. You can see them dying along the edges.
    Here is one that doesn't have as much yellow and is growing at a reasonable rate. She's a lot bigger than the other one and she is in a 5 gallon pot.
    My Gooey that had the mishap when I was transplanting her is now in a 2 gallon pot and looking real good. I like the looks of this girl. I'll be taking some cuttings off her in a couple more weeks.
    Finally, here is what my teenagers look like. They're all in 5 gallon pots.
  8. #1529 DeadLeaf, Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2014
  9. Hello Pak man, the two tone paint job is the bomb! Have you done any crosses or other breeding with that one? I'm curious about those genetics that express the variegated leaf trait. I'm thinking it's more involved than a simple recessive gene, maybe more than one recessive gene at work here. I would do some test crosses to find out if she was mine.
    Awesome grow brother!  
    Since I became a legal grower of MMJ I have and will follow the state regulations applying to my activities. I had to take the federal government's word that they won't come after me if I was abiding the rules. With this little treat hidden amongst what should only contain budget items, I no longer have to take the word of a government that I learned a long time ago isn't as trustworthy as I would expect. So now I've got no worries about getting busted by the feds.

    As far as privacy - I don't have it. Snowden exposed the extent of how much of our activities are being sweep up in various stealth operations. Of course being in the computer world I already knew that I lost my privacy. I knew that all my clicks in the browser were being watched. There are many programs out there that will show you how many trackers are on the browser. Snowden didn't have to warn me about that. I also have read article that exposed some of these stealth programs. I don't worry about this because there is nothing I can do about it besides get totally off the grid. That ain't going happen. It doesn't appear that the current politicians are going to do anything about reigning it in either.

    Enough of my ranting about privacy.
    The variegated Goblin Girl is one of two cuttings off the same mother. This cutting had some variegation the other didn't.
    The sister looked like this
    This is what taught me that you need to select your cuttings carefully. The fact that both these cuttings came off the same mother is a dramatic example of this. So I select my cuttings very carefully now. There is a branch that is perfectly normal on the Goblin Girl in with the teenagers. I could probably take that cutting from the variegated and end up with a plant like the sister. However, I like the variegation so I choose a cutting with some yellow in it. Just not too much yellow.
  12. #1533 A.O., Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2014
  13. #1534 SG1, Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2014
    I bred Goblin girl between a Blue widow and a cut only Afgooey.
    Neither parent showed the variegation defect.
    Afgooey has been crossed with a couple of lines and show no mutations.
    I doubt that Afgooey was the carrier.
    Blue widow likely the culprit, but I don't study the line.
    Goblin girl itself is the carrier now, and has been bred to a 1/2 dozen lines and passes the mutations in some degree to everything she has produced.
    1 in particular, Goblin queen is so mutated that only 1 seed in 3 can grow semi-normal.
    The rest are incapable of any semblance to cannabis.
    The non mutated ones are really good though.
    There is.
    Called selective breeding, both inline or outcross.
    If your trying to get rid of a mutation, you don't breed the mutants, but rather just the ones with the quality you seek.
    Good purple strains are hard to come by.
    Many bred for the purple only, then lose quality.
    I've found that my most purple stock isn't as good as the less purple phenos of the same seed.
    Neon pheno purps
  15. So SG1,if the trait shows in the f1 crosses it is not recessive. what percent of her offspring in your exp express it? Genetics is fascinating to me I have to some research on this now.  
  16. wow i did not know but will be very interested. To see this blossom by the way subbed up pak and got some more reading to do i guess...
    Only one cross was extreme and rampant. Gob queen
    The rest hardly expresses the mutation, just comes out occasionally and only slightly.
    Really depends on the cross.
    Pak's already taken the variegations to the extreme.
    The plant needs the green in order to convert light to energy.
    The more yellow, the slower the growth.
    An unsustainable combination, and not something to strive for.
    Just an oddity, and as Pak has shown, is quite pretty.
    The green sister cuts grow way faster.
  18. Another point to bring out is that I grew a Goblin Queen from seed and it was a mutant. I ended up finally chopping it down due to the top being totally whacked. Before I did this I was able to get a good clean branch to clone. This grew out to be a nice lady.
    I took cuttings off her and got 2 clones that ended up going into pre-flower so I chopped them. Goblin Queen as SG1 says turned out to be problematic for me. I've got seeds from crossing my old males with a Goblin Queen cutting from Sanctuary Gardens called Old Goblin and seeds from the Goblin Queen seedling called Goblin Septer. I'll explore these to see if those old male genes help to reduce the mutations.

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