SUPER SILO; Vertical, 2kW, 100 ft² RDWC Trees, water cooled on dry nutrients

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Ttystikk, Feb 26, 2014.

    The power difference is 14%. The loss in yield is greater than that- and even if it wasn't, would you give it up to save 140W? The frost difference was also negligible or the HPS side was better. No help there. They seem to shed a bit less heat, but again, not enough to make any difference.

  2. Also, I think 2 lbs per light is a great harvest to consistently pull, BUT vertical should be producing better than that... ESPECIALLY rdwc vertical.  Vertical should be producing much higher than 0.9 grams per watt. 
    After slowly cutting mine down and wet trimming some, a third is dry so far and I estimate a total harvest around 0.7 grams per watt (possibly more but not less).  This was done with 6 weeks of veg, a 24 sq. ft. footprint, an overhead lit cooltube with cheap bulbs, a mid to low-yielding strain, and a VERY novice grower.  
    I'm sorry if this offends you.  Its cool to watch, and I wish there were more pics.  Especially hi-rez shots of cured buds.  Your set-up is virtually a bigger footprint than I used this round on a per watt basis.  It should be pulling 2 grams per watt to influence others to follow suit.  SOG coco does this with crazy high plant counts.  We vertical lovers gotta reach that before we start asking if people are mind blown.
  3. #303 Ttystikk, Nov 27, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 27, 2014
    No one is doing those numbers at commercial scale with those methods. This thread is about doing things differently at large scale- bigger than the master bedroom I've seen SOG must successfully done in.
    I'm not offended- but I am brutally honest. The stated yields are of top quality bud, dried and ready for the patient, no projections or other fudge factors.
    This run was not perfect; early on we had heat problems and high RH issues due to equipment failure. The plants were not ideally shaped for the trellis and weren't the ideal strains- let's face it, Subcool strains are not known for their production numbers. On the other hand, averaging nearly a pound a plant for Jillybean isn't half bad!
    More gains could be made with better training and CO² supplementation. We're doing both, and a few other things as well. The important thing is that it's a number that we can aim to beat next time.
  4. Fuck, what a grind. And to think I get to do it all over again soon lol
    This perpetual harvest thing gets crazy sometimes, lol
  5. Haven't had a chance to weigh the trim or popcorn yet.  But dry it fills over 1/2 a paper grocery bag.  I got 27 oz. 8.3 grams of quality buds.  756.3 grams.  .76 grams per watt!  My goal was .5.... I did better than I'd hoped.  All but 4 jars has been donated. 
    Next round I am doing 8x Blackwater OG, 1x Chem 91, and 4x Cannatonics.  I'm still under 24/0 but I am thinking of doing 18/6 because the Chem 91 and Cannatonic were given to me already on 18/6.  If I kept em all on 24/0 I wouldn't have any light issues with the 18/6ers would I?
    Has anyone heard anything about Chem 91 or Cannatonic?  I googled Cannatonic and I hear it has a 1:1 ratio of thc:cbd.  I'm expecting this means a very low thc content? 
  6. I'm not a breeder, so I don't know a lot about strains. Run your veg on 18/6, it just seems to work out better.
    Great job on your yield! I'm sure you're excited about the next run already!
  7. ----------
    hi greaterthings cannatronic is as you say1:1 ratio ,,it has 6%-7% THC and 6%-7% CBD,,,,its a cross of MK Ultrax g13 Haze ,,by Resin seeds of Spain,,,,,,,,,,mac
  8. Fuk, Mac- I'm only 48 years old... that means you started in the Sixties!
  9. ---------------
    yep i am the original ole fart ....mac 
  10. #311 Ttystikk, Dec 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 4, 2014
    Had an air handler fail. Its replacement is already in place and running. Modular components, Fuck yeah!
  11. #312 Ttystikk, Dec 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 11, 2014
    ...and THAT air handler developed a nasty leak, so it's it's outta there too.
    Fortunately, I've designed the environmental control system to be fault tolerant and not go haywire when any one component fails. Rather, anything can fail and the rest will compensate.
  12. Just got rid of the last of my CDM 860W lamps; they looked great but didn't produce the weight.
  13. That's a good thing you openly compared them.  I remember 4 months ago you were pretty excited about em.  How are things going?  My vert is running, but I am waiting to share it until I get the perfection down.  I'm hopin good things come.  I believe in vert. 
  14. If you wait until you have it perfect, you'll be dead! I'm just knocking the variables down; as soon as I feel comfortable that we can deal with whatever comes up, I'm going big time!
  15. The big change this cycle was a call down to Hydrogardens to track down the cause of mysterious nutrient issues. The upshot of the conversation was that their salts are meant to be mixed into a stock solution, or liquid concentrate in a large batch first, BEFORE meting out the small amounts needed for individual batches. This is clearly labeled on the bag for agricultural equipment, but since I wasn't using it that way I ignored the whole thing.

    It's like this; a twenty five pound bag of nutrient salts, no matter how well mixed, will settle over time, travel and handling. To avoid hitting pockets of high concentrations of whatnot on a random basis, the solution is to put the entire bag into solution all at once. Sooooo, I put all twenty five pounds into fifty five gallons of hot water in a barrel. A few adventures later, I'm all set up to draw one gallon of concentrate per hundred gallons of reservoir capacity.

    I'm hopeful- if I'm right then I am about to get a raise!
    Sometimes it's fun to look back and read where I've been. I've since doubled the size of the final veg staging area AGAIN, this time to 100 sq ft and a full hundred gallons! 
  17. A week on and the nutes are performing as specified.
    The system is running closer to targets for pH, EC and water temps and remaining more consistent both day to day and batch to batch.
    Air temps, RH and venting are all accounted for and under control, day and night.
    The chiller actually runs more than it needs to just to keep the house warm at night; the compressorless chiller could do the job unassisted during evenings when the temperature drops below freezing.
    Each new cycle iteration of the system brings more refinements to how things get done and on what schedule. Consistency is the key...
  18. So how affordable is mixing your own nutes if you are only wanting to do it on a 10 gallon level (10 gal is the high end)?  Would you be interested in teaching us through a tutorial?  I'd be your first student. 

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